The first phase of the Single-Family Infill Analysis identified issues within zoning regulations that can make constructing desired infill housing difficult or cost-ineffective.

Single-Family Infill Analysis, Phase One

cover of the Single-Family Zoning AnalysisPhase One of the Single-Family Infill Analysis was completed in December 2021.

Phase One Goal

Many communities in the First Suburbs do not have zoning codes that are set up to achieve desired development results as zoning codes were typically written in a different time when abundant undeveloped land could be subdivided into new lots easily and zoning was intended to disperse population. The goal of this phase was to take an in-depth look at First Suburb Communities’ zoning codes to identify where certain regulations could potentially be a barrier to infill and to help communities compare their regulations to other similar communities.

Project Process

The Single-Family Zoning Analysis was conducted from March to November of 2021. During this first phase, four important tasks were completed:

Task 1: Provided an overview of the state of single-family infill development in the First Suburbs including trends in demolitions, building permits, new construction

Task 2: Reviewed the 19 communities' single-family zoning districts and provided a streamlined format to directly compare regulations across communities

Task 3: Compared regulations — such as minimum lot width, lot size, lot coverage, building area, and front setbacks — to existing lots/structures

Task 4: Identified and mapped potential infill opportunities and listed available incentives among First Suburbs

Throughout this process, the 19 First Suburb communities were engaged through a survey, individual interviews, and presentations to gather the most accurate housing data and to better understand the experiences of these communities with single-family infill development.

Displayed above is one of the maps produced in this analysis, which compares communities' lots to their minimum lot size requirements and shows (in greens and blues) the lots that are smaller than those minimum requirements.

Project Materials

First Suburbs Consortium Meetings

Consortium Meeting #3 (Virtual Meeting, December 1, 2021)

Download the presentation

Consortium Meeting #2 (Virtual Meeting, September 1, 2021)

Download the presentation

Consortium Meeting #1 (Virtual Meeting, June 3, 2021)

Download the presentation

Top photo courtesy of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank