Congratulations! You have been awarded Funds for Program Year 2023 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program. So, what is next?

Awards Reimbursement Policy Webinar

The offer of this grant is subject to attendance at the PY 2023 Mandatory Awards Reimbursement Policy Webinar on Thursday, July 27th at 9:30 a.m.

Download the presentation

Project Agreements

Project Agreements must be signed by the grantee and executed within 60 days of the award announcement. Awards will be rescinded for any projects in which the Project Agreements are not executed by October 4, 2023.


Timely reimbursement of committed grant funds is important to the Planning Commission. Requests for reimbursement of grant project expenses can be submitted up to four (4) times until the project is closed out. Send all reimbursement requests and quarterly reports via email to Susan Infeld at si*****@cu************.us; and carbon copy email to Annette Linden at al*****@cu************.us. Identify the Project ID specific to your grant and reimbursement # in the subject line. Example: HUTC23-BER Reimbursement #1.

A few items to keep in mind that will help expedite the reimbursement requests:

  • The Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District continuously monitors all stages of the project development for any planning and all planting activities.
  • Grantees are required to notify the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District no less than 72 hours in advance of scheduled tree planting activities. Contact Jared Bartley at Jb******@cu**********.org, and copy Kristin Hall at kh***@cu**********.org, regarding your project activities and to schedule site visits.
  • Grantees are required to submit new urban forestry plans to the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District. Urban Forestry plans must include specific planting locations and species for those locations. Contact Jared Bartley at Jb******@cu**********.org, and copy Kristin Hall at kh***@cu**********.org, for approval of HUTC funded tree plans.
  • Cuyahoga SWCD staff are also available to review Requests For Proposals and/or contracts prior to their execution to ensure all necessary items are included in advance of scheduled tree planting activities. Remember to check in with Jared Bartley at Jb******@cu**********.org regarding your project activities.
  • Grantees will not receive reimbursement if the trees are not planted or mulched in accordance with specifications approved by the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District. Include the name of the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District Staff and the date of their visit on the reimbursement form.
  • Only the grant project expenses shown in the approved Project Expenses Worksheet are eligible for reimbursement.
  • Grant administration costs such as application preparation, preparing for reimbursement requests, travel-related expenses, or project reporting requirements are not considered eligible local matches. Please do not include these items with the reimbursement request.
  • A detailed breakdown of the match should be included in the reimbursement form and must be verified with a dated signature. This documentation must be included with the reimbursement request to be honored as the match.

Please see the following links for detailed instructions and the reimbursement forms:

Required Acknowledgement

When publicizing the grant-funded project, the Grantee is required to acknowledge the Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program funding and the financial support of Cuyahoga County, whether promoted on a website; social media; event programs; educational materials; promotional materials; research papers; media interviews; signage; emails; annual reports; benefit events/fundraising. The following must be included on all printed and digital materials:

  • A Cuyahoga County logo
  • The statement, “This project is supported in part by the residents of Cuyahoga County through a public grant from the Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program.”

Cost Underruns and Scope Change

Requests for changing a project’s scope, or to use remaining funds for tree planting, will be considered by the Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Evaluation Team, when no additional funds are requested and the work to be done is directly associated with the approved project. Requests for changing a project schedule will also be considered by the Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Evaluation Team. In order to request a scope change please submit PY 2023 HUTC Scope Change Form:

Cost Overruns

  • All cost overruns associated with a project, whether for work covered by the application or otherwise, are the sole responsibility of the project Applicant.

Project Close Out

  • The Grantee must submit the Final Close Out Form and the Excel PY 2023 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Project Location Form along with their final request for reimbursement within 90 days after the project close date.