Complete streets are roadways designed and operated to safely and comfortably accommodate multiple users of all ages and abilities. Complete streets elements can provide the following:
Improved sidewalks; better markings and signals at intersections and crosswalks;
- Dedicated bike lanes;
- Transit facilities; as well as
- Landscaping alternatives to better manage stormwater within our rights-of-way.
Complete streets can greatly improve residents’ quality of life, considering that 14% of households in Cuyahoga County do not own a car and, that more 16-34 year olds prefer walking and cycling to driving. Building healthy communities has been an essential part of county-wide policies and initiatives. Health issues such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes can partially be prevented through an active lifestyle. Modern infrastructure allows residents of all ages and abilities to stay active, safe and comfortable while going about their daily routines. The benefits of complete streets also include active lifestyle options for residents, as well as improved water quality and potential reductions of pedestrian and bicycle accidents on our roadways.
How can Cuyahoga County communities begin to implement complete streets?
- Encourage discussion at the municipal level on the benefits of complete streets;
- Promote collaboration between planners and engineers
- Pursue a unified Complete Streets policy at the countywide level, recognizing that each jurisdiction may tailor some elements to their specific needs and conditions.
- Identify preliminary cost estimates and funding alternatives
- Initiate public presentations about Complete Streets, and share information about best practices.
- Utilize the Cuyahoga County Complete Streets Toolkit for policy and design guidance.