Presenting demographic, economic, and social data for Cuyahoga County and Northeast Ohio.

County Planning is a designated census affiliate of the Office of Policy Research and Strategic Planning, which acts as the state government liaison to the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. As an affiliate, we receive and distribute demographic, economic, and social data for northeastern Ohio, with an emphasis on Cuyahoga County’s cities, villages, and townships.
Available Data
Information from three Census Bureau programs is available from three data collection programs:
- American Community Survey – detailed information issued annually for various geographic areas
- Population Estimates Program – annual updates on the components of demographic change
- Decennial Census – data for every community, produced every 10 years
Other Resources
- Office of Research, Ohio Department of Development
- Cleveland State University
- NEO CANDO, CWRU Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change
- Cleveland City Planning Commission
- Center for Community Solutions Fact Sheets
- Healthy Northeast Ohio