County Planning assembles, updates, and disseminates a wide variety of useful resources to encourage best practices in the areas of land use, transportation, place-based economic development, environmental planning, and sustainability.
Census Data
County Planning provides demographic, economic, and social data for northeastern Ohio, with an emphasis on Cuyahoga County’s cities, villages, and townships.
Guidebook Series
The Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Guidebook Series provide information about specific topics and practices of municipal government operations.
Data Book Series
The Data Book Series was developed to provide information annually about our communities, our county, and our region in topic areas that are critical to our well-being.
10 Years of the Community Planning Services Program
Over the past 10 years the Community Planning Services Program has helped Cuyahoga County’s communities actively plan for their future.
Subdivision Regulations
County Planning has the authority to regulate how land is subdivided and developed in Cuyahoga County’s townships.
Document Archive
Thanks to a partnership with the Cleveland Public Library, many archival documents are now available in the library’s Digital Gallery.
Complete Streets
Complete streets are roadways designed and operated to safely and comfortably accommodate multiple users of all ages and abilities.
Greater Cleveland Planning Search
Search more than 700 websites related to urban planning in Northeast Ohio