Public Records Policy
- Public records are any document, device or item which documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures and operations of the office, subject to certain exemptions under state and federal law.
- The Cuyahoga County Planning Commission will permit prompt inspection of public records and provide copies of such records within a reasonable period of time. If the requested records need to be researched, retrieved, assembled, or reviewed prior to release, we will inform the requester and give an approximate time when such records will be available.
- Records of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission may be inspected Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- The cost for copies of records is $0.03 per page. There is no cost for records sent by email. The cost for computer files downloaded to a compact disc is the actual cost not the exceed $1.26 per disc. The cost of providing records on electronic storage devices such as a USB is $1.00 per gigabyte of the device’s memory storage capacity.
Requesting Public Records
- Any person can make a public records request.
- Request for public records may be made in any manner the requester chooses: by phone, in person or in an email or letter.
- Unless a specific law requires, the requester does not have to identify him or herself, or state a reason for the request.
- Requests should identify the records requested with sufficient clarity to allow the public office to identify the requested records. There is no specific language or form required.
- Request for public records of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission should be directed to Ms. Annette Linden.