County Planning has completed plans, studies, and initiatives at community, county, and regional scales. Below, you can explore our portfolio of projects, which demonstrate our professional planning services.
Beachwood Master Plan
The Beachwood Master Plan brings mixed-use development, walkable streets, and strong neighborhoods to meet the demands of residents.
Planning 101
The Cuyahoga County Planning Commission offers a Planning 101 workshop for local elected and appointed officials.
Parma Town Center Task Force
Under the leadership of Mayor Timothy DeGeeter, the City of Parma formed a Town Center Task Force in late 2013 to develop a cohesive vision for a vibrant town center.
Lakewood Active Living Task Force
The City of Lakewood's Active Living Task Force met between June of 2014 and December of 2015, with a charge to ensure that all individuals who live, work, and play in Lakewood can take part in an active, healthier lifestyle.
Historic Building Inventories
County Planning conducted a survey of 160,000 single-family houses constructed between 1945 and 1969, resulting in one of the largest and most comprehensive inventories of its type undertaken in the nation.
Urban Tree Canopy Assessment
The Cuyahoga County Urban Tree Canopy Assessment provides detailed metrics on existing and potential tree cover, useful for communities in setting tree-planting goals and target areas.