Home to corporate headquarters and regional parks, Mayfield Village is a small community with a regional impact. With a focus on strengthening business development, connecting neighborhoods, and identifying service and infrastructure needs, this Master Plan can help maintain the high quality of life Village residents enjoy.
The draft Mayfield Village Master plan was presented at a public meeting on September 25, 2018.
In 2017, Mayfield Village was awarded a competitive grant from the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission to update its 2020 Vision Plan, completed in 2003. County Planning facilitated a planning process for the community to identify a Vision for the community and to outline potential Goals and Actions to reach that Vision. The Mayfield Village Master Plan, if adopted, can serve as a blueprint for guiding land use, development, and service policy and actions over the next decade.
Master Plan Document
The draft Mayfield Village Master Plan was presented to the City in 2018.
Master Plan Phases

The Master Plan was process was conducted through six phases with a draft document produced for each phase. These drafts were organized into a complete Master Plan document in the final phase of the process.
- Community Survey
To inform the Master Plan, Mayfield Village and County Planning conducted a survey to understand the community’s attitudes on a variety of important issues and topics. - Current Conditions
This section of the Master Plan outlines a series of profiles that define the Village as it exists today. - Community Vision
The Community Vision document outlines specific vision principles and focus areas that are considered important to the community. - Goals and Actions
The Goals and Actions document builds out the Master Plan framework by grouping actions into place-based interventions as well as general Village-wide actions that can be taken. - Implementation
The Implementation document identified priorities for undertaking recommends actions and outlines specific strategies, partners, responsibilities, funding mechanisms for each action. - Master Plan document
County Planning combined all the documents created from each phase into a complete Draft Master Plan.
The complete draft of the Mayfield Village Master Plan has been delivered to the Village. Though it has not been officially adopted as Village policy, it can still serve as a guiding document for residents, business and local organizations to identify and address issues and opportunities in the community.
More Information
For additional details and documents, visit the Village’s site.