County Planning, in partnership with Cleveland State University Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, completed the Countywide Housing Plan to guide housing policies and action strategies for Cuyahoga County and its Cities, Villages and Townships.
Overall population loss, along with changes in development patterns, foreclosure rates, home ownership, demographics, and housing preferences has resulted in an oversupply of housing that is currently mismatched to the needs of current and future housing markets. County Planning took the lead to address these disparities by identifying metrics, recommending best practices, and adopting place-based approaches that address the challenging housing needs of County residents.
The Countywide Housing Study can meet this challenge by influencing public housing policy and guiding the residential development community—both for-profit and non-profit– to provide new construction where warranted, rehabilitation where feasible, and demolition where necessary.
This presentation was made to Cuyahoga County Council’s Community Development Committee on May 2, 2016 and is available for downloading (PDF).