The Highland Hills Comprehensive Plan will update the Village's community goals and objectives, serve as a framework for the Village to make informed policy decisions and will reposition the Village to better align with future opportunities.


Thank you to all who participated in the second public meeting. You can access the presentation under Meetings & Materials.

We need your input! See the opportunities below to provide feedback on the draft Community Vision and the Place-Based Recommendations.

Your next opportunities to provide input on the Plan!

July 10th to July 25th
Shaker House Lobby
Activity boards will be set up in the Shaker House Lobby to allow you to provide feedback on your own time.
July 10th to July 31st
The Vison & Recommendations Survey is open now.
July 10th, 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Village Hall Council Chambers
County Planning Representatives will provide a brief presentation on the Plan's progress and answer questions.
July 25th, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Shaker House Lobby
Missed the Public Meeting?
Come ask questions and provide feedback to County Planning Representatives.


Incorporated in 1990, the Village of Highland Hills is one of the youngest communities in Cuyahoga County—and with just over 600 residents in an area of two square miles, it is also one of the smallest. The new Village immediately recognized its potential in the region, and Highland Hills' leadership adopted its first Comprehensive Plan in 1993. Over the last thirty years, Highland Hills has experienced many changes–including new developments and new challenges–and has recognized the need to reposition itself to better align with future opportunities. To accomplish this, the Village is partnering with County Planning to update its Comprehensive Plan.

This Update will provide the opportunity for the Village, its residents, and stakeholders to reevaluate its existing infrastructure and public assets, to identify current issues, needs, and opportunities, and to update the Village's community goals and objectives for future growth and development. This Plan will be based on widespread engagement of residents, community leaders, and local and regional stakeholders, and will consider the Village's relationship to adjacent communities where they may impact Highland Hills' land use and economic development decisions.

Draft Documents

Meetings and Materials

Public Meeting #2 (July 10, 2024)

Public Meeting #1 (March 13, 2024)


County Planning began work on the Highland Hills Comprehensive Plan Update in October 2023, and expects to complete it in 12 months. The Update will include the following phases:

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Current Conditions
This phase involves reviewing the previous comprehensive plan and studies and collecting data on demographics, existing infrastructure, economic conditions, community facilities, land use, and transportation to provide a baseline understanding of the community's assets and challenges and to identify where future opportunities exist.

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Community Vision
This phase will outline Highland Hills' vision for how it wants to grow and develop in the coming decade. This will be a broad and visionary summary that is based on feedback and ideas from residents, property owners, stakeholders, and the village. It will help guide recommendations and provide a general direction for the Village.

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This phase will outline specific actions and strategies to address the issues and opportunities identified in the Current Conditions Phase and to overall accomplish the Community Vision.

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This phase prioritizes recommendations and outlines the strategies, partners, responsibilities, and potential funding sources for undertaking the recommendations.

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Final Document
In the final phase, County Planning will combine all the previous phases into a complete Comprehensive Plan document.


Engagement of residents, property owners, local and regional stakeholders and adjacent community leaders will take place throughout the project. The planning process will include different engagement opportunities through surveys, interviews, and in-person meetings.

Contact Us

Questions or comments about the Highland Hill Comprehensive Plan Update can be directed to:

Ms. Laura Mendez Ortiz, AICP, Project Lead