The Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan identifies redevelopment recommendations for the areas in and around Southgate in the City of Maple Heights and is intended as a guide for City leaders, business owners, and other stakeholders for development and growth over the next decade.


The City of Maple Heights applied for and was awarded professional planning services through the 2024 Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Community Planning Grant Program for a mixed-use and transit-oriented analysis of the 75-acre site known as the Southgate Shopping Center. The Plan will outline what future redevelopment would look like, including scenarios and typologies for residential mixed-use and townhouse developments, along with the addition of public greenspaces that help to further the walkable retail diversity of the Southgate project area.


Meetings and Materials

Public Meeting #2 (February 26, 2025)

Public Meeting #1  (October 30, 2024)

City Council Project Overview and Kickoff (May 1, 2024)

Planning Process

Current Conditions@4x

Southgate Profile (Current Conditions Analysis): This phase involves understanding the current conditions and assets that define the Southgate Shopping Center and the surrounding neighborhood while considering that information and other data including community preferences to help identify what future opportunities exist for development and redevelopment.


Vision and Development Scenarios: This phase will outline the community’s vision for how the Southgate Shopping Center could redevelop in the future via a broad and visionary document that will identify no more than three (3) potential development scenarios with more general policy guidance for the City.


Recommendations & Preferred Development Scenarios: This phase will refine the options and recommendations for development and redevelopment for the Southgate Shopping Center that were identified in the Vision & Development Scenarios and address opportunities and issues. The Recommendations & Preferred Scenario will refine the development scenarios down to one (1) preferred development scenario and develop recommendations that can address issues and opportunities identified in the previous phases.


Implementation Strategies: This phase will outline policies, responsibilities, and priorities for accomplishing the items described in the Recommendations and Preferred Development Scenario Report.


Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan (Conclusion): This phase will combine the work of the previous phases into a final, cohesive document, the Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan.

Contact Us

We welcome and encourage your questions, comments, and feedback about the Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan. Please contact the project team with your thoughts:

Nichole R. Laird, AICP, Senior Planner


Paul Triolo, Planner


Maureen Riley, Planner