The Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan envisions safe, comfortable, and connected networks that support multi-modal trips and human-powered mobility options throughout the community.
Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan
The Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan and its appendix are now available. The plan was accepted by Euclid City Council on March 4, 2024.
The goal of the Plan was to identify opportunities for safer and stronger pedestrian and bicycle connections between residents, job hubs, essential business services, entertainment and recreational amenities, local and regional assets, and community facilities both within the City of Euclid and in neighboring communities.
The Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan was intended to create a city-wide, action-based, and implementation-ready plan that will facilitate infrastructure improvements for those who do not have access to, do not desire to, or cannot afford to have a personal motor vehicle as their primary mode of transportation. This Plan built off numerous existing local and regional planning efforts to help the City of Euclid achieve its active transportation goals.
Additional Documents
Planning Commission Meeting (February 13, 2024)
Download the presentation
Project Prioritization Meeting (November 2, 2023)
Download the presentation
Community Kickoff Meeting (April 26, 2023)
Download the presentation
Planning Process
The planning process began in December 2022, when the City of Euclid was awarded professional planning services through a competitive grant process from the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission. The Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan consisted of five-phases that culminated in a comprehensive document.
Current Conditions
This initial phase involved collecting data on current bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and demographic data, as well as reviewing previous local and regional planning efforts, and identifying best practices around the county, state, region, and nation. This was used as a baseline for the City of Euclid and for the following phases of this Plan.
Based on input from residents, businesses, community groups, and leaders, County Planning facilitated the articulation of a vision for how the City of Euclid would like to improve and grow active transportation facilities in the future.
Based on feedback from the community and current best practices, County Planning outlined targeted action steps and citywide recommendations to achieve the community’s desired future of an active transportation network as outlined in the Vision.
In this phase, County Planning built upon the Vision and recommendations from previous phases to outline actionable strategies, partners, responsibilities, and priorities for undertaking improvements to active transportation connections throughout the City of Euclid and beyond.
Final Document
In this final phase, County Planning combined all the previous phases into a completed document.
Contact Us
We welcome and encourage your questions, comments, and feedback about the Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan. Please contact our project team with your thoughts:
Rachel Novak, AICP, Senior Planner
Top photo courtesy of Cuyahoga County