Members of the Cuyahoga Greenway Partners are all working together to support Cuyahoga County’s communities with trail and bikeway development through innovative and creative approaches.
One such new initiative (launched in 2021) is the Coordinated Infrastructure approach. This initiative works to identify trail and bikeway projects which align with routine infrastructure projects (road resurfacing, bridge repair, sewer, etc.) in order to integrate and advance the construction of the trail or bikeway as part of that infrastructure project. This will save construction costs through efficiency.
The Greenway Partners encourage all communities to integrate their trail and bikeway projects with other infrastructure projects. This requires advanced planning to assure that a community-supported, council-approved and completed design is ready at the time of the infrastructure project. Please contact the agency doing the infrastructure project well in advance (typically two years prior) to get the ball rolling.
Additional resources and tools from the partner and affiliate agencies are listed below.
Bike Cleveland
- Bikes and the Law
Bike Cleveland’s Bikes and the Law page serves as a resource of common laws and best practices for biking as well as for vehicles driving among cyclists. - Bike Lane Guidelines
These guidelines describe how cars should interact with bike lanes, and how cyclists can optimize these rules. - Getting Around by Bike
This guide provides maps and guides for navigating Cleveland, information on integrating bike rides with public transport, and links to bicycle service providers. - Bike Shops and Riding Clubs
Find a local bike shop or riding club. - Bike Cleveland’s Advocacy Center
Bike Cleveland’s Advocacy Center provides resources and tools for taking action in support of safe streets. It includes links to connect with legislators, current action alerts and email sign-ups, and current public comment periods for projects.
City of Cleveland
- VisionZeroCLE.org
Vision Zero Cleveland is an initiative to eliminate serious injuries and deaths from crashes on Cleveland roads through clear, measurable strategies to provide safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for all. - Scooter and Bike Share
The City of Cleveland partners with private shared mobility companies to offer scooters and bikes for rent for short rides around the city. Learn about the companies currently active in Cleveland and rules for safe use. - Safe Routes to School
In partnership with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Cleveland has a districtwide school travel plan for the 70 K-8 school buildings, with designated school routes in areas with a high proportion of students who walk or bike to school. Learn about the plan and how to get involved.
Cleveland Metroparks
- Cleveland Metroparks Planning
Cleveland Metroparks provides general updates for its active planning and design projects. - RAISE Cleveland Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning
In 2021, Cleveland Metroparks was awarded $950,000 through the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) program to plan and design four trail projects on Cleveland’s east side and in the City of Euclid. - Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Study (CHEERS)
The Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Study (CHEERS) outlines a plan for additional parkland, habitat, and trails along Cleveland’s Lake Erie shoreline in proximity to the St. Clair-Superior and Glenville neighborhoods.
Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works
- Local Resurfacing Program (LRP 50-50 Program)
This program funds resurfacing for local County roads, low cost and funding gap projects with a cost split of 50-50% (County/Municipality) up to a maximum of $250,000 match. This annual program solicits projects each autumn for awards in January. - Local Operations Resurfacing Program (80-20 Program)
This program funds resurfacing on minor arterials, collectors, high-mid ADT (Average Daily Traffic) facilities with a cost split (County/Municipality) of 60-40% for design and 80-20% for construction. - Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP)
This program funds major arterials, high ADT, multi-city, high-cost facilities with a cost split of 80-20% (County/Municipality) for design and 80% (Fed.) 10% (County) 10% (Municipality) for construction. - Preventive Maintenance
This program funds crack seal, striping, minor pavement repair, catch basin projects with the County providing 100% of material costs and the Municipality providing 100% of labor. This annual program solicits projects each autumn for awards in January.
Proposed bikeway amenities may be considered eligible as part of these programs. All of these programs encourage modifications for Greenway bike and pedestrian projects and require planning and communications with CCDPW prior to project scoping. For more information, contact Eric Mack (216) 443-7944 or em***@cu************.us.
Cuyahoga County Planning Commission
- Funding and Resources for Communities Guidebook
The Funding and Resources Guidebook is a library of grants, tools, and available assistance in Cuyahoga County for the benefit of residents. - Cuyahoga County Greenprint
The Cuyahoga County Greenprint is a set of greenspace mapping and planning tools. It includes the Greenprint Viewer, an interactive online mapping application; and the Greenprint Guidebook, which has descriptions of the county’s natural features, best practices, and additional resources.
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
- Rack-N-Roll
GCRTA supports the integration of public transit with trail and bike lane use. Learn how to transport your bicycle on a bus through their Rack-N-Roll program.
National Park Service/Cuyahoga Valley National Park
- Strategic Action Plan
Cuyahoga Valley National Park began implementing its strategic action plan in 2016. The park developed a vision and main goal, then developed supporting goals and objectives to accomplish the main goal. - Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program
The National Park Service – Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (NPS-RTCA) supports locally-led conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the United States. NPS-RTCA assists communities and public land managers in developing or restoring parks, conservation areas, rivers, and wildlife habitats, as well as creating outdoor recreation opportunities and programs that engage future generations in the outdoors.
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency
- Transportation and Environmental Funding Resources
This resource provides details about funding programs available to entities within the NOACA region. - Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning
NOACA’s site provides information on their bicycle and pedestrian planning program and resources. - Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative
The Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) provides assistance to communities and public agencies for integrated transportation and land use planning and projects that strengthen community livability. The TLCI program has a planning component and an implementation component. - NOACA’s GIS Portal
NOACA’s GIS portal provides pertinent information for bicycle and pedestrian planning. A critical metric is Level of Traffic Stress or LTS. The portal includes the LTS rating for every street, as well as information on bike and pedestrian counts, bikeway demand and the bikeway network. - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Strategy
Access details on the 5 year Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and NOACA’s funding strategy for the region.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
- Clean Ohio Trails Fund
Awards from the Clean Ohio Trails Fund can be used for land acquisition for trails, trail development, trailhead facilities, and engineering and design. - Recreational Trails Program
The Recreational Trails Program is a cooperative funding program of ODNR and the Federal Highway Administration and distributes federal funds. These funds can be used for a range of needs from trail development and construction to maintenance, property acquisition, ADA access, and education. This program also funds Storybook Trail initiatives.
Ohio Department of Transportation
- Walk.Bike.Ohio
Walk.Bike.Ohio is ODOT’s first plan to focus on walking and biking policies and programs around the state. Launched in July 2021, it guides Ohio’s bike and pedestrian transportation policies and investments in infrastructure and programs (overview video). - Active Transportation Plan Development Guide
ODOT’s Active Transportation Plan Development Guide is a resource which encompasses national best practices in active transportation planning and guides communities through a seven-step process for creating their own active transportation plans. - Multimodal Design Guide
ODOT’s Multimodal Design Guide, published in April 2022, is a comprehensive source for bicycle and pedestrian facility design. - Active Transportation Academy
The Active Transportation Academy (ATA) is a resource for building capacity and expertise on active transportation topics. The ATA provides trainings, workshops, e-learning courses, and online resources on a variety of topics related to walking and biking. - Highway Safety Improvement Program
The purpose of this program is to reduce traffic deaths and serious injuries on all public roads and funds a mix of spot safety projects, such as intersection improvements, and systemic safety treatments, such as center and edge line rumble stripes and cable barriers. - State & U.S. Bike Route Program
Ohio is establishing a network of State and US and bicycle routes which will provide bicyclists with safe and convenient connections through and to population centers and destinations in Ohio. The system will serve as a strong backbone on which local and regional bike networks can build to connect to across the state.
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
- Industrial Heartland Trail Coalition
The Industrial Heartland Trail Coalition works to complete a network of trails connecting Cleveland to Pittsburgh via various routes through Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio and New York. The existing Towpath Trail and future Lakefront segments through the Cities of Cleveland and Euclid, then into Lake and Ashtabula Counties, comprise Northeast Ohio’s segments of this multi-state network.- Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition Photo Library
A professionally developed and curated image library of trails and trail users from throughout the IHTC footprint is available to partners throughout the region. For access to the images, please email Eric Oberg.
- Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition Photo Library
- Trail-Building Toolbox
This includes the basics for creating a vibrant rail-trail for your community, including technical tips and methods for generating neighborhood, political and funding support for your project. - Resource Library
Search an extensive collection of resources related to trail development, advocacy, management, maintenance and much more. This includes documentation including research, case studies, policy, communications and promotion. - Trails Transform America
Stay informed about federal and state funding and other trail/active transportation policy initiatives to support advocacy efforts; RTC provides a variety of resources to facilitate outreach with decision makers regarding the critical economic, health and other quality of life benefits from investments in connected trail, walking and biking infrastructure. - Ohio Legislative Trails Caucus
This bipartisan/bicameral group of state elected officials is committed to creating a statewide trails network to connect Ohioans. The Caucus is focused on improving existing trails and ensuring smart planning for future trail networks, leading political efforts to develop opportunities for outdoor recreation and active transportation.
Trust for Public Land
- ParkServe
ParkServe is a TPL mapping tool directly tied to the Parks for People and10 Minute Walk initiatives. The program allows residents to explore parks-related asset creation in their own communities. Included is an application, ParkEvaluator, which offers self-directed greenspace identification and estimates a post-installation 10Minute Walk impact based on local demographics and area characteristics. - Climate Smart Cities
Climate Smart Cities – Cleveland is a TPL mapping tool that measures the positive impacts of increased greenspace and climate-smart green infrastructure, with an emphasis on connectivity, cooling measures for urban heat islands, improved water absorption and runoff prevention, and land buffering as an erosion mitigation strategy. - Urban Drawdown
Urban Drawdown is a newly-created TPL mapping tool that adds to their Climate Smart capacity while also incorporating the impacts of carbon removal strategies that simultaneously improve the social, economic, and environmental resilience of local communities.
Other Resources
- Pocket Guide to Bike Parking
Dero’s Pocket Guide to Bike Parking provides information on preferred bike rack types and guidelines for installation.