The Cuyahoga County Parking Analysis provides an overview of parking regulations and requirements across 29 local communities and includes a series of regulatory Best Practices to guide communities toward minimizing and mitigating the adverse impacts parking lots have on development patterns and practices.
Cuyahoga County Parking Analysis
The Cuyahoga County Parking Analysis was completed in October 2024.
As part of the broader Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Study, County Planning performed a zoning analysis of identified transit corridors to determine where, and to what extent, local zoning regulations were supportive of TOD. One of the key takeaways from this study was that of the factors examined, TOD-supportive parking regulations were the least likely to be provided by communities. County Planning desired to investigate this issue further through a more thorough analysis of parking regulations across Cuyahoga County.
The Parking Analysis reviewed parking regulations for the 29 communities initially identified in the TOD Study. Thirty different criteria were reviewed, ranging from the amount of parking required for a commercial use to the inclusion of provisions for green infrastructure or electric vehicle charging stations. The analysis shows how parking regulations have contributed to a pattern of parking-dominated development across Cuyahoga County to the detriment of walkable, connected commercial areas. The Cuyahoga County 2024 Parking Analysis also provides a series of Best Practices for communities to consider incorporating into their zoning regulations if they desire to reduce excessive amounts of parking and to promote walkable, mixed-use developments.
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Micah Stryker, AICP
Senior Planner