The Plan builds upon past and current planning efforts including the following:
NOACA Regional Lakefront Transportation for Livable Communities (TLCI) Study
The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Regional Lakefront TLCI Study will focus on improving multi-modal access to Lake Erie, strengthening transportation connections to and along the lakefront, evaluating appropriate locations for development, and identifying areas of environmental concern in lakefront counties in northeast Ohio, including Cuyahoga, Lake, and Lorain Counties.
Cuyahoga Greenways Plan
Cuyahoga Greenways is a blueprint for linking neighborhoods, parks, Lake Erie, the Cuyahoga River, and public transit through a comprehensive countywide network of trails that are safe and welcoming for people of all ages and abilities. Cuyahoga Greenways expands the mobility options available to residents and visitors throughout Cuyahoga County.
Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Study (CHEERS)
Cleveland Metroparks is undertaking a year-long study for the eastern Cleveland lakeshore from the Lakeside Yacht Club at the eastern edge of Burke Lakefront Airport to the Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve at Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. The Study will focus on leveraging nature-based solutions to improve the environment, reconnect communities to the lake, enhance public health and wellness, bolster the economy, and improve aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
Community Confluence Transportation for Livable Communities (TLCI) Study
Community Confluence is a joint effort between County Planning, the City of Lakewood, the City of Rocky River, Cleveland Metroparks, and NOACA to improve pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation, safety, and wayfinding across the Clifton Boulevard, Detroit Road, and Hilliard Boulevard bridges and better connect to the surrounding neighborhoods and the Metroparks Rocky River Reservation.
Vision for the Valley Transportation for Livable Communities (TLCI) Study
The City of Cleveland, Cleveland Metroparks, the Port of Cleveland, Flats Forward and the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) have partnered to study a healthy and resurgent Cuyahoga River to develop a unified vision for the river valley that balances both river- and land-based uses and outlines a plan for sustainable growth.
Downtown Cleveland Connectivity Transportation for Livable Communities (TLCI) Study
The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency Downtown Cleveland Transportation Connectivity TLCI Study will evaluate the mobility and movement of employees, residents, and visitors in Downtown Cleveland and create a framework for multi-modal transportation improvements to improve transit service and connections, address parking needs, and improve pedestrian connections.