The Beachwood Master Plan brings mixed-use development, walkable streets, and strong neighborhoods to meet the demands of residents. It was adopted by City Council on June 20, 2016.
The City of Beachwood worked with County Planning to develop a Master Plan that will meet the demands of residents and pull the City into the modern era. The City of Beachwood was confronted by a stable and aging population, neighborhoods in need of reinvestment, and disparate development patterns.
In response, County Planning outlined specific and actionable steps the City could undertake to address these issues. They included better design guidelines, standard development incentives, more mixed-use development, and stronger ties to multi-modal transportation.
Updated Zoning Code
Residents wanted to see more mixed-use and walkable development. To accomplish this, County Planning proposed zoning code updates that included three new zoning districts that would regulate walkable streets.
Complete Bicycle Network
County Planning outlined a bicycle network that includes miles of new trails, new zoning regulations that require bicycle parking, and a bicycle sharing program to get people onto the trails.
Reinvigorated Residential Neighborhoods
Recognizing that residential neighborhoods were in need of reinvestment, County Planning identified incentive programs and target areas to be used for reinvestment initiatives.
Environmentally Friendly Development
Environmentally friendly design was enshrined through a new ‘Eco-District’ that requires green design, encourages walkable streets, protects critical environmental features, and rewards green employers.