Introducing Cuyahoga Greenways
The Eastside Greenway plan, completed in 2015, outlined a vision for a coordinated system of trails and greenways across 20 Cuyahoga County communities. Building upon the success of the Eastside Greenway, County Planning is launching a new greenways plan, which will extend the concept to cover the remaining 39 communities in Cuyahoga County.
Together, these two plans will comprise a visionary countywide connectivity plan, known as Cuyahoga Greenways. This plan will provide an implementation-focused blueprint for future action, especially for the multi-agency regional Trails Leadership Network. Existing trails and greenways will be linked with new segments, creating a county-wide, continuous system of non-motorized transportation alternatives.
County Planning was recently awarded a $125,000 Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative grant from the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency for the Cuyahoga Greenways plan, and additional funding will be provided by County Planning and community partners. The work will include collaborations with Cleveland Metroparks, community leaders and stakeholders, and will provide numerous opportunities for public input. Watch our site or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to see how the process evolves.