Grant Writing Workshop: Tips and Techniques for Applying for RAISE and Recreational Trails Funds
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
1:00–2:00 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
Building on Cleveland Metroparks grant award successes, Sara Byrnes Maier and Kristen Trolio of Cleveland Metroparks and Elaine Price of Cuyahoga County Planning Commission will lead a free one-hour training workshop on helpful tips and techniques for grant applications for trail projects. The session is virtual via Zoom. Presenters will use the US Department of Transportation’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant and Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Recreational Trails Program/Clean Ohio Trails Fund as the framework for this workshop. Topics include new techniques for support letters, framing your story, supporting statistics, and realistic timetables. Registration preference will be given to municipal and non-profit staff and support engineers with trail project management responsibilities.
This year’s RAISE grant applications are due April 14. ODNR’s Recreational Trails Program/Clean Ohio Trails Fund applications are due April 15. ODNR states, “Increasing the number of trails and trail access in underserved communities is a priority for the State of Ohio.”
About the Presenters
Sara Byrnes Maier is Principal Park Planner for Cleveland Metroparks. Sara has co-authored and authored several federal discretionary transportation (TIGER/BUILD/RAISE) and formulary grant applications as well as Clean Ohio Trails Fund applications. Sara will share techniques and advice from both the funded and not-funded experiences.
Kristen Trolio is the Grants Manager for Cleveland Metroparks. Kristen has authored many successful grant applications through state and private funders and assists on federal grants as well.
Elaine Price is Principal Planner Greenspace for the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission and coordinator of the Cuyahoga Greenway Partners. Elaine has assisted, particularly in garnishing support letters. Elaine has also compiled a portfolio of resources for communities and trail project managers.