2016 Greater Cleveland Trails and Greenways Conference
The fourth biennial Greater Cleveland Trails and Greenways Conference will be held on June 2 in Brecksville, and County Planning is a conference partner.
The event will feature a Biking & Walking Showcase, at which innovative projects and programs will be recognized. Nominations are now being accepted. Projects include both recent on-road and off-road bike facilities and trails. Programs encompass any recent type of event or regular activity of people using trails, bikeways, and connected greenspace.
We encourage you to submit your nomination for any trail or bikeway project in your community or any event or activity programmed on your trails and bikeways.
The nomination process is easy. Just review the application instructions and visit the Projects & Programs Showcase on the Greater Cleveland Trails & Greenways Conference website. The deadline is May 6, 2016.
Get your nominations in now!