October 10, 2024
The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:04 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present.
No requests for public comment.
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Kurtz the minutes from the August 8, 2024 meeting was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 241010-A Requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Fairview Park to prepare Transit-Oriented Development Zoning Code and Zoning Map Updates. Erik Engle, Principal Planner at County Planning reported that County Planning recently completed a TOD Overlay Zoning Guide and TOD Best Practices manual. Based on this work, the City of Fairview Park contacted County Planning to assist in updating their commercial zoning districts along Lorain Road pursuant to recommendations made in the recently adopted Lorain Road Business District Revitalization Plan. These zoning code and map updates will utilize recently completed TOD Study materials to draft recommended zoning changes.
County Planning will partner with the City’s project and legal teams, evaluate recommended zoning changes by testing regulations against existing lots in refined target areas along Lorain Road, and coordinate the review process with the City’s Planning and Design Commission, City Council, and the public. County Planning is requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Fairview Park, the total project cost will be eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) with Fairview Park contributing 100%. The work is expected to be completed by April, 2025.
On a motion by Director Dever seconded by Mayor Gallo, Resolution No. 241010-A requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Fairview Park to prepare Transit-Oriented Development Zoning Code and Zoning Map Updates was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 241010-B Requesting the approval of the Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program Cost Agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission and the District One (Cuyahoga County) Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC).
Meghan Chaney, Senior Planner for County Planning gave a history of the program reporting that the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) was first created in 1987 as part of the Ohio Revised Code Section 164 and was tasked with the administration of State Capital Improvement Program, which was later authorized to oversee Clean Ohio Conservation Program (Clean Ohio) in 2000. The OPWC administers the Clean Ohio Program in coordination with local guidance. There are nineteen (19) District Integrating Committees and Natural Resources Assistance Councils (NRACs) that were established in the state of Ohio. Cuyahoga County is District One. County Planning has provided administrative services to the District One NRAC (NRAC) since the program began in 2000. County Planning’s administrative services generally include:
- Implementation and distribution of the program year workplan, and application materials and manual
- Development of the project selection process
- Evaluation of submitted applications
- Report writing and preparation of meeting materials
- Assistance to eligible applicants and to NRAC members.
Meghan Chaney continued by reporting that the fiscal year 2025 awardees are West Creek: Watershed Divide (II) and Cleveland Metroparks: Euclid Creek Reservation Expansion. She noted that since 2000, over 2,700 acres have been preserved in Cuyahoga County. Since 2015, the OPWC, the NRAC, and County Planning have entered into Program Cost Agreements with the understanding that County Planning will provide administrative services for the Clean Ohio Program at a cost of $15,000 per State Fiscal Year. County Planning is seeking Board approval for County Planning to enter into a Program Cost Agreement for Fiscal Year 2026. County Planning will be reimbursed for Clean Ohio administrative costs from March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026, and County Planning agrees to contribute any costs exceeding $15,000 for personnel and operations.
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Burke Resolution No. 241010-B requesting the approval of the Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program Cost Agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission and the District One (Cuyahoga County) Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 241010-C Requesting the approval of a Revised Section 1 of the County Planning Commission’s Policies and Procedures Manual. Director Cierebiej reported an update to Section 1: Introduction of our Manual. County Planning continues work to update sections of its Policies and Procedures Manual, last revised in full and adopted in 2014. Eight policies/procedures have been updated since 2021. Updates are needed to address various changes in the County’s Employee Manual, which County Planning’s manual often references. Removing redundant sections and sub-sections will allow opportunities to streamline County Planning’s manual for more clarity.
Revisions to Section 1: Introduction
- Removed ‘CCPC’ references, updated with ‘County Planning’
- Removed ‘handbook’ references, updated with ‘manual’
- Updated language to better align with County’s Employee Handbook revisions
- Added a Purpose sub-section
- Reordered sub-sections for better flow
- Removed PRC language related to personnel matters/appeals
- Upon Board approval, this section will be effective immediately
- All staff will receive a copy and will be asked to sign an acknowledge form
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Director Huang Resolution No. 241010-C requesting the approval of a Revised Section 1 of the County Planning Commission’s Policies and Procedures Manual was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 241010-D Requesting approval to accept funds and execute a contract with the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) award. Director Cierebiej spoke on behalf of Patrick Hewitt who could not attend. County Planning applied for and was awarded a $600,000 SS4A grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to develop a Cuyahoga County Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. The total project cost estimate is $750,000, with County Planning to provide $150,000 of in-kind professional planning services as part of the required 20% match. County Planning will develop an RFQ and with future Board approval, engage a consultant to develop the safety action plan with a commitment to a culture and environment of safety in our communities which reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries.
The plan will include:
- Detailed safety analysis of existing crashes
- Deep community engagement
- Recommended infrastructure and non-infrastructure changes
- Understanding of how crashes and recommended changes impact racial, socio-economic, and mobility groups
- Comprehensive action plan that combines this information. Commitment to coordinate with communities as they develop new action plans or apply for demonstration and implementation dollars
Director Cierebiej continued that there is a commitment to coordinate with communities as they develop their own action plans and/or apply for demonstration and implementation dollars. The cities that have completed or are working on Action Plans which have been independently funded are Cleveland, Lakewood, Euclid, Cleveland Heights, and Rocky River. County Planning will work with these communities and incorporate the data so that work will not be duplicated and will be a part of a comprehensive plan for Cuyahoga County.
Resolution No. 241010-D requests the approval to authorize the Executive Director to commit $150,000 of in-kind match, to accept the $600,000 in SS4A grant funding, and to execute a SS4A agreement with USDOT. The fully executed USDOT contract is expected in Q1 2025 and future Board approval be required in order to execute a contract with a qualified consultant selected through a competitive RFQ process.
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Burke Resolution No. 241010-D requesting approval to accept funds and execute a contract with the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) award was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Director Cierebiej opened her report with a kudos corner starting with Nichole Laird, AICP -being appointed to the American Planning Association (APA) Ohio Board; Patrick Hewitt, AICP being appointed to the APA Cleveland Board; and Laura Mendez Ortiz, ACIP – being appointed to the APA Cleveland Board.
Director Cierebiej continued with agency updates: announcing the launch of County Planning’s first electronic newsletter on October 2nd and changes to the County Planning email extensions from .us to .gov. This email transition is supposed to be smooth, but if you have any problems feel free to call us.
Director Cierebiej informed the Board that County Planning will be leading the effort to update the Cuyahoga Greenways Plan that was last updated in 2019. Also, a TOD Developers Survey is being sent out to not only developers but also communities and Community Development Corporations (CDCs) to get feedback on opportunities and obstacles on TOD development in Cuyahoga County.
Director Cierebiej was again invited to the APA National Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. as part of the American Planning Association’s Congressional Fly-In event. Director Cierebiej went as a designated Ohio representative to speak on priority advocacy efforts as they relate to housing: advocate for updated zoning and to build more homes, lend support for FY2025 grant funding and programs such as the PRO-Housing Grant, encourage Co-Sponsor support of both the Housing Supply and Affordability Act and Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act, and vocalize support for the Yes in My Backyard Act. Director Cierebiej was able to meet with staffers for Senator JD Vance, Senator Sherrod Brown, and Congresswoman Shontel Brown.
The E. 22nd Street Small Area Plan now involves an executed MOU with City of Cleveland. Alex Long, AICP of County Planning is leading coordination efforts with numerous stakeholders: Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, CSU, Campus District, St. Vincent Charity, CMHA, USPS, Tri-C, ODOT, Cleveland Metroparks, GCRTA, and CVSR. Director Cierebiej stated that this is a tremendous opportunity to create a shared vision for the future.
Director Cierebiej concluded her report with Board updates: that the Bylaws revisions are continuing, with Powers & Duties, Board Terms and other changes that will first require discussion at a meeting, followed by Board action in the future. Potential changes include a Resolution to modify the Executive Director’s spending authority by increasing the threshold for Board approval. Five Board seats expire on 12/31/24, and Director Cierebiej is working with County Executive and County Council teams on appointments/reappointments. Those expiring seats are the two Council seats, Mayor Bibb with Director Huang as alternate, Mayor Orcutt, Mayor Gallo, which all have agreed to continue.
There was no old business.
There was no new business.
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Kurtz, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 2:54 pm.
November 14, 2024 (Tentative)
October 10, 2024 | PRESENT |
Mayor Burke | Yes |
Councilperson Conwell /Joseph Nanni | No/Yes |
Mayor Dailey Jones | Yes 2:09pm |
Director Dever | Yes |
Mayor Gallo | Yes |
Mayor Bibb/ Director Huang | Yes |
Mayor Kurtz | Yes |
Mayor Orcutt | Yes |
Councilperson Sunny Simon /King | No/Yes |
Mayor Weiss | Yes |
Mayor Welo | No |