May 9, 2024

The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:00 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present.

No requests for public comment.

On a motion by Mayor Dailey Jones, seconded by Mayor Gallo the minutes from the April 11, 2024 meeting was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 240509-A requesting the approval of the Final Plat for Phase 4 of The Sanctuary of Olmsted and The Preserve of Olmsted (The Sanctuary & Preserve) PRD Subdivision in Olmsted Township. Meghan Chaney introduced Jeremy Krang and Nate Wilson from Pulte Homes. Meghan Chaney continued that Pulte Homes of Ohio, LLC. is requesting approval of the Final Plat for Phase 4 of The Sanctuary & Preserve PRD Subdivision in Olmsted Township and gave a history of the building phases. Meghan Chaney reported that Pulte Homes of Ohio has submitted all requisite items for Final Plat application review according to Section 105.6 of the Subdivision Regulations and the Final Plat is consistent with both the approved Preliminary Plan and the PRD zoning designation granted by the Township. The conditions set forth for the approval of the Phase 3 Preliminary Plan have been addressed and the infrastructure improvements have been built in accordance with improvement plans and completed to the satisfaction of Public Works and the Township.

Meghan Chaney and the staff recommended the approval of the Final Plat for Phase 4 of The Sanctuary & Preserve PRD Subdivision. Meghan Chaney stated that the next steps- once approved by the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission the Executive Director signs the Final Plat- County Council will consider the acceptance of dedicated lands (including rights-of-way and other easements) within Phase 4. Once the County Council has accepted the dedication of lands, the developer can file the Phase 4 Final Plat with Cuyahoga County and the sublots will be created.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Orcutt, Resolution No. 240509-A requesting the approval of the Final Plat for Phase 4 of The Sanctuary of Olmsted and The Preserve of Olmsted (The Sanctuary & Preserve) PRD Subdivision in Olmsted Township was duly adopted with a unanimous vote. The Resolution was corrected for Phase 4 as reported.

Mayor Kurtz arrived at 2:12 p.m.

Resolution No. 240509-B requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Richmond Heights to provide a Revitalization Plan for the Northside Business District. Meghan Chaney introduced the request for authorization for the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission to enter into an agreement with the City of Richmond Heights for the completion of the Northside Business District Revitalization Plan. This Plan will include strategies to leverage current assets, attract and retain diverse businesses, and create a lively district with attractive streetscapes and improved walkability.

The scope will also include specific development scenarios that will serve as potential guideposts for future development. Recommendations will identify “gray” and “green” infrastructure improvements to improve safety, ecology, and aesthetics throughout the district; economic tools to attract and retain businesses; zoning changes to encourage an appropriate mix of uses; design standards to both differentiate and to unify the district; and develop partnerships and collaboration opportunities to encourage investment and aid in implementation. Meghan Chaney explained that the Plan will rely on input from diverse stakeholders representing residents, businesses, and institutions in the community. The Plan process will include seven (7) phases: project initiation, current conditions, business inventory and streetscape analysis, vision, recommendations & development scenarios, implementation, final plan & conclusion.

Meghan requested the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Richmond Heights, a project with a total estimated budget of $100,000; with a City of Richmond Heights contribution not to exceed $5,000. Work is estimated to be completed by April 30, 2025.
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Welo, Resolution No. 240509-B requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Richmond Heights to provide a Revitalization Plan for the Northside Business District was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 240509-C requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of North Olmsted to provide a Mall Area Mixed-Use Overlay District. Micah Stryker introduced the request for the authorization of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission to enter into a contract with the City of North Olmsted for the Mall Area Mixed-Use Overlay District. The city desires a modern, mixed-use zoning district to promote redevelopment of Great Northern Mall and surrounding area. The County Planning Commission will write the overlay district text and incorporate it into the City’s existing Zoning Ordinance.

The project will involve the following Phases:

  1. Project Initiation & Zoning Needs Identification
  2. Prepare Zoning Overlay Text
  3. Test Zoning Overlay Text
  4. Prepare for Adoption

County Planning will work with a Project Team from the City to guide the creation of the Overlay District. County Planning will attend at least two meetings with the City Planning Commission and/or City Council to present and discuss the draft text during the process. Micah Stryker concluded with the total project budget estimated at $65,000 with the City of North Olmsted contribution not to exceed $6,500. Work is estimated to be completed by January 31, 2025.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Kurtz, Resolution No. 240509-C requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of North Olmsted to provide a Mall Area Mixed-Use Overlay District, with Mayor Dailey Jones abstaining, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.


Warrensville Heights Green Road Park Expansion Plan

Nichole Laird reported that the City of Warrensville Heights was an awardee of the 2023 Community Planning Grant. John Dewey Middle School, which was adjacent to the City’s only municipal park, Green Road Park, was being demolished by the WHSCD. The land was given to the city for park and greenspace development. This opened a unique opportunity and allowed residents to have an active role in planning the space for future park development based on their vision. As a part of this process there were 13 stakeholder interviews, 5 project team meetings that involved 15 members, along with 3 community meetings with approximately 139 attendees. Along with the meetings there was an online survey, student worksheets, Summer Fest, Neighborhood Ward meetings, and a Civic & Senior Center community meeting.

Nichole Laird explained that all the collected information was used to come up with a new vision statement.

The Friendly City Park at the former John Dewey Middle School site will be an inclusive and modern park that will serve the needs of the intergenerational community of Warrensville Heights and will collectively be:

  • A Friendly and Welcoming Community Park
  • A Health and Wellness Community Park
  • An Environmentally Sustainable Community Park
  • A Connected Community Park

Nichole Laird ended her presentation with the recommendations and different design options for the park using all of the ideas gathered throughout the planning process.

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Study Update

Patrick Hewitt and Laura Mendez Ortiz began with the definition of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) from the Federal Transit Administration. Examples of TOD are proximity to transit such as train for frequent bus service, and mixed-use buildings with higher density situated close to the street with limited parking.

The goal of this study was to improve zoning regulations and governmental policies to attract more TOD to key corridors in Cuyahoga County. Patrick Hewitt explained that the study started with looking at the current state of TOD in Cuyahoga County, then analyzing the zoning, developing best practices and model zoning for TOD that can be adopted by individual municipalities and finally, identifying TOD financing mechanisms and incentives used in other communities.

Patrick Hewitt reported that a total of 455 zoning districts were reviewed in Cuyahoga County and found that single-family and two-family zoning is the most common zoning within our TOD walksheds, accounting for 55.5% of zoned land. A few communities have adopted mixed-use zoning, but it is not necessarily transit-oriented—it may still be auto-oriented and insular. Only 5.5% of land within TOD walksheds has zoning that is classified as ‘most supportive’.

Laura Mendez Ortiz reported on development trends and success of local TOD corridors. She identified major projects that have added more than $1 million in building value over a one-year period along 22 TOD corridors in Cuyahoga County.

Patrick Hewitt also presented an update on the Transit-Oriented Development Zoning Study. A Best Practices Guide outlining key components of TOD has been developed. Additionally, both a Model TOD Zoning Overlay and an Annotated Guide are now available that outline specific regulations that communities can adopt. The Annotated Guide provides options for how communities can calibrate model zoning regulations by outlining which standards can be changed to fit the needs of the community. The final phase of the TOD Zoning Study will include a financing document, an incentives proposal, a TOD project plan online viewer, and a development professionals’ summit or survey. Moving forward, there is a Working Group Meeting on June 5, 2024 in County Council Chambers that will cover the details of this project.


Director Cierebiej opened with a report on personnel changes: that County Planning has extended job offers to two Principal Planners and they both accepted! Starting late May and early June are Alexandrea Long, AICP, and Eric Engle, AICP, respectively. A new summer intern is also starting May 20th, Madeline Gardner.

Director Cierebiej also reported on some pending projects that County Planning is pursuing: “The Safe Streets and Roads for All” Grant application is being led by Patrick Hewitt in tandem with many communities and the County Administration to apply for this grant. A Small Area Plan for E. 22nd Street is commencing with the Department of Public Works, County Administration along with the City of East Cleveland to determine the best use development plan for that area.

Other updates that Director Cierebiej included in her report were that both the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Manual are still being reviewed for necessary changes. The APA Cleveland & APA Ohio are having Officer Elections, and wished good luck to Patrick Hewitt, Laura Mendez Ortiz and Nichole Laird who are on the ballot. Informed the Board about her participation in the 2024 Planners’ Day on Capitol Hill will be virtual this year. Finally, the Annual Performance Reviews will begin on May 30th for the Planning Commission team.


There was no old business.


There was no new business.


On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Galo, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 2:59 p.m.

June 13, 2024


May 9, 2024PRESENT
Mayor BurkeNo
Councilperson ConwellNo
Mayor Dailey JonesYes
Director DeverYes
Mayor GalloYes
Mayor Bibb/ Director HuangNo
Mayor KurtzYes 2:12 pm
Mayor OrcuttYes
Councilperson Sunny SimonNo
Mayor WeissYes
Mayor WeloYes