April 14, 2022

The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:05 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present.

No requests for public comment.

On a motion by Mayor Bobst, seconded by Mayor Brennan, the minutes for the April 14, 2022, meeting were duly adopted by unanimous vote.

Director Dever welcomed Mayor Katherine (Katie) Gallagher from the City of Brooklyn and Mayor Edward Orcutt from the City of Brook Park. Executive Director Mary Cierebiej introduced Director Joyce Pan Huang, Cleveland City Planning as the alternate for Mayor Justin Bibb of the City of Cleveland, whose confirmation as a board member is pending approval from County Council.

Councilperson Conwell, Councilperson Simon, and Mayor Sellers arrived.


Resolution No. 220414-A
Requesting the approval to authorize entering into an agreement with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health for the 2022 Cuyahoga County Supermarket Assessment Update.

Mr. Dan Meaney briefly described the primary goals for the project and requested the approval of a Technical Services Agreement with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Mr. Meaney explained that this is an update to the Creating Healthy Communities study done in 2019. This update could assist in judging the impact of a grocery store closing in an area or new store opening in one, help influence policy making, and findings to be used to support funding. The updated assessment intends to update the supermarket inventory by identifying food deserts and analyzing population, age, poverty level, and household vehicles as factors. The contract value is $6,000, with County Planning providing $1,000 of in-kind assistance, and $5,000 in revenue from County Board of Health. The assessment update will include active involvement with the City of Cleveland Health Department. A question was asked about the scope of the inventory and criteria for a supermarket to be included. Mr. Meaney answered that they will be using the same criteria as the 2019 assessment which includes a size threshold of 25,000 feet or larger, continuous supply of fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. Many of the Mayors expressed concerns about the Dollar types of stores that are sometimes used as the primary neighborhood location to purchase food and grocery items, discussion followed, and it was determined that the issues of Dollar type stores fall outside of the scope and funding of this agreement with Board of Health.

On a motion by Mayor Bobst, seconded by Mayor Brennan, Resolution No. 220414-A requesting approval to authorize entering into an agreement with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health for the 2022 Cuyahoga County Supermarket Assessment Update, was duly adopted by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 220414-B
Requesting the approval of the Updated and Modified Master Subdivision Plan and the Phase 3 Preliminary Plan for Pembrooke Place Subdivision located in Olmsted Township with eight (8) conditions.

Ms. Meghan Chaney recognized the attendance at the meeting of Mr. Tom Simon representing Pembrooke WTC (Williams Thomas Construction) the developer of Pembrooke Place in Olmsted Township.  The Phase 3 Preliminary Plan is located on the eastern portion of the subdivision, adjacent to Jennings Road. The proposal is the creation of 50 single-family detached townhomes on 9.1 acres of land. The proposal includes the creation of Open Space in Blocks H and the continuation of Open Space in Block G.  The subdivision will extend 1,300 lineal feet of roadway, and 2,600 lineal feet of sidewalk as illustrated on the map that is part of resolution 220414-B. The density is 5.49 units per acre, below the 7 units/acre max density of in the RMF-T zoning district with combined open space totaling 6.78 acres, meeting the 20% minimum requirement set forth by the 2020 subdivision regulations.

Ms. Chaney continued the report with a request for approval of the Pembrooke Place Revised Master Subdivision Plan with two (2) conditions. The first: safety and regulatory concerns regarding the length of the cul-de-sac and intended number of units in last phase (Phase 4) of the development; further modifications to anticipated lot layout may be necessary. Second: safety and connectivity concerns regarding the street configuration of Phase 4, specifically that safety and emergency vehicles and its equipment can turn around, recognizing that future discussion may involve accommodation of a stub street at the western end of Pembrooke Boulevard in Phase 4.

The request for approval of the Pembrooke Place Phase 3 Preliminary Plan has the following eight (8) conditions, explained by Ms. Chaney including:

Preliminary Plan Corrections:

  1. Preliminary Plan for Phase 3 must be updated to reflect additions requested by the Department of Public Works Surveying Department

Storm and Sanitary Plan Revisions:

  1. Improvement Plans must include upsized storm sewers in identified areas.
  2. The sanitary sewers for sublots 214-228 must be moved to the right-of-way by moving sublot sanitary connections to the sanitary line in the right-of-way, and moving the rear yard sanitary sewer (currently shown behind sublots 219-228) to Montaque Ct.
  3. Where possible, the storm sewers should be moved to the right-of-way.

Street Tree Considerations:

  1. To the practical extent possible, ensure that the improvement plans incorporate street trees according to Chapter 106 of the Subdivision Regulations.

Soil and Sediment Control Measures:

  1. Provide missing information for the Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWP3) as required by the Ohio EPA Construction General Permit #OHC000005 SWP3 Checklist during the improvement plan stage of the application process, including:

Safety Measures:

  1. Ensure the size and radius of the hammerhead turn-arounds at the dead ends of Montague Court and Landford Drive provide adequate space for fire trucks and equipment to safety turn around.
  2. Ensure that fire hydrants are located every 300 feet and feature 5-inch Storz connections on the Steamer connections.

These conditions are to be addressed in the immediate future or at the improvement plan stage. Only after all above conditions have been met may the applicant submit a Final Plat for Phase 3 of Pembrooke Place Subdivision for review to the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission.

It was asked if the Township trustees approved of this plan and Ms. Chaney stated that the trustees were enthusiastic to have this subdivision completed. Mr. Simon gave a background on the project and answered general questions on the size and placement of the new townhomes. Mayor Procuk expressed concern that Olmsted Township Trustees were not present at the meeting to answer questions or show support, and when contacting the Township there was no response. Director Dever suggested that a letter be sent to the Township Trustees requesting that one of them attend future board meetings, or provide a letter stating their approval, when a subdivision is coming to this board for approval.

On a motion by Mayor Procuk, seconded by Councilperson Simon Resolution No. 220414-B requesting approval of the Updated and Modified Master Subdivision Plan and the Phase 3 Preliminary Plan for Pembrooke Place Subdivision located in Olmsted Township with eight (8) conditions, was duly adopted with eight (8) yes votes and one (1) no vote.

Financial Update

Ms. Jennifer Karaffa began the financial report with a review of 2021. In 2021, County Planning generated more than $250K in outside revenue, realized through contracts and agreements for professional planning and zoning services.  Over the last 3 years, annual outside revenue collections have averaged over $170K per year and the monies are deposited back to Cuyahoga County general fund. With a large general fund subsidy, County Planning provides in-kind technical assistance & planning support. It is estimated in 2021 County Planning provided about $380K and over 3,700 hours of in-kind work that included involvement with the Aerozone, Greenspace Planning, GIS mapping assistance, and the Healthy Urban Tree Canopy program which County Planning administers. Of its total operating budget of $1.9 Million, salaries and benefits are the largest expense with the remainder to contracts, supplies, and other expenses as authorized by County Council to conduct operations and the breakdown has been consistent over the years.

Ms. Karaffa continued with 2022 as Year 1 of the new biennial budget. The current budget includes a new round of funding for the Healthy Urban Tree Canopy (HUTC) Grants totaling $950,000 and provides salary & benefit appropriation to add capacity to support 20 full-time employees and the same operational amount of roughly $40,000 as last year’s budget. County Planning will continue to supplement the 2022/23 Operating Budget with Outside Revenue. First quarter of 2022 is on track with expenditures totaling 22% of personnel costs and an average of 13% for non-Personnel costs, totaling a combined 18% through March 2022. To date, County Planning has brought in over $28,000 in outside revenue these first few months of the year.  The 1st quarter just ended, and County Planning is finalizing charges for invoices and expects to end the year on par with the average of $170,000 in revenue collections as previous years.

The 2022 approved budget-compared to what was spent last year- was funded roughly the same. County Planning ended 2021 under budget, with savings in total personnel given vacancies and overall less expenditures including fewer than expected grant award disbursements for the Healthy Urban Tree Canopy program. County Planning now holds a new round of HUTC grant funds plus additional dollars for honoring last year’s PY2-2021 HUTC reimbursement requests this budget year.

Executive Director’s Report
Director Mary Cierebiej gave an update on County Planning’s vacancies and job postings. The Senior Planner and Planner jobs are posted, but there is current unprecedented competition for planning talent. In 2021, Laura Mendez Ortiz and Meghan Chaney were added to the team but unfortunately Michael Mears left County Planning and capacity remains a concern.

The first annual report for County Planning has been released and can be found on the website at https://www.countyplanning.us/about/annual-reports/.  The project was totally created in-house and a true collaborative effort to create a foundation for future reports.

North Royalton requested an update to the redistricting work from 2018. It is estimated to be completed in June of 2022 with $2,500 in revenue being received by County Planning.

North Olmsted contacted County Planning and requested a proposal for a zoning map update and reflects potential for future work.

The PY3-2022 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy awards were announced April 4th with twenty-seven (27) projects awarded funding representing over thirty-four hundred (3,400) trees to be planted. One of the projects is being funded by the Cleveland Tree Coalition.

Aerozone Current Conditions report is underway through an in-kind agreement with the Aerozone Alliance. County Planning has the opportunity to engage with several communities in proximity to Cleveland Hopkins Airport as part of this study. This is an important first step in achieving the Aerozone Alliance’s goal of a Master Plan and giving County Planning an opportunity for future work and revenues. After discussion with the Aerozone Alliance current conditions were necessary and interviews have been held with the following communities:

  • City of North Olmsted
  • City of Brook Park
  • City of Cleveland
  • City of Fairview Park
  • City of Berea
  • City of Rocky River
  • City of Strongsville
  • Cuyahoga County Department of Sustainability

Interviews are planned with developers and other stakeholders to identify the existing assets, issues, and opportunities within the Aerozone. Also planned are identifying items that can and should be addressed by the Aerozone Board and the proposed master plan. County Planning’s goal is to determine the scope and set the stage for a complete Master Plan that can then be competitively bid out for contract revenue.

The Lakefront Public Access Plan’s final plan is complete and published to County Planning’s website. Cuyahoga County created interactive storymap for lakefront projects and a podcast. Media coverage and outreach has been favorable.  It is expected that Public Works will administer contracts directly for next phases as the project moves from planning to engineering work. County Planning continues to be involved with funding requests & applications and coordinating with NOACA on the Lakefront Connector project. Staff Capacity remains a concern and vacancies create a challenge to offer 2022 planning grants this spring and will be re-evaluated this summer. County-wide initiatives such as TOD Zoning, Aerozone and Single-Family Zoning involves dozens of communities and have a greater benefit than individual efforts.  Currently, County Planning is taking on smaller projects with GIS/Mapping focus, while full-scale Master Plans and Zoning Code updates are not feasible at this point.

There was no old business.

There was no new business.

On a motion by Mayor Sellers, seconded by Mayor Bobst, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 3:16 p.m.

Next tentative meeting is scheduled for May 12, 2022.


April 14, 2022

Mayor Bibb/ Director Huang** Attended-non voting
Mayor Pamela BobstYes
Mayor Michael Dylan BrennanYes
Councilperson Yvonne ConwellYes
Director Michael DeverYes
Mayor Anthony DiCiccoNo
Mayor GallagherYes
Mayor OrcuttYes
Mayor Michael ProcukYes
Mayor Brad SellersYes
Councilperson Sunny SimonYes