April 13, 2023
The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:14 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present.
Welcome to the new board members, Honorable Nichole Dailey Jones from the City of North Olmsted representing the Westshore district. Honorable Marie Gallo from the City of Parma Heights representing the South-Central district. Honorable Gigi Traore from the Village of Newburgh Heights representing the Cuyahoga district. Honorable Georgine Welo from the City of South Euclid representing the Hillcrest district.
No requests for public comment.
On a motion by Councilperson Simon, seconded by Mayor Brennan, the meeting minutes for February 9, 2023 were duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-A requesting the approval to administer the Program Year 2023 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program.
Alison Ball spoke about the Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant program and its purpose to increase tree canopy and thus help lessen the impacts of climate change in Cuyahoga County. County Planning has partnered with the Department of Stainability, Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District, and the Cuyahoga County Board of Heath on this five (5) year initiative started in 2019, with a hiatus in program year 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, the program has awarded 78 projects to 37 applicants from 22 municipalities. Over 6,750 trees have been planted, funding for two (2) tree nurseries have been provided, and over 16,000 potential planning sites identified. The 2023 program year will include ‘maintenance’ of trees as a funding-eligible activity. The grant is a competitive grant program and evaluation points are given. The schedule for materials and training workshops will become available between Earth Day and Arbor Day 2023. Applications are due June 8, 2023 and the awards for plan year 2023 will be announced on Friday, July 14, 2023. Mary Cierebiej and Alison Ball discussed the plan to obtain new software to assist County Planning with administering the program.
Several questions were raised by the Board: Councilperson Simon inquired whether the grantees report back on the health and success of trees planted. County Planning responded that while the program requires awardees to care for and maintain trees for at least three years, there is little authority to enforce this outside of the 18-month contract period. However, it was suggested that a post-contract reporting requirement could be strengthen and that Cuyahoga Soil & Water be the appropriate department to continue to monitor the progress and care of the tree planted using these grant dollars as Soil & Water already oversees when the trees are initially planted. Mayor Dillon-Brennan inquired about the cost of County Planning administering the program annually.
On a motion by Director Huang, seconded by Mayor Sellers, Resolution No. 230413-A requesting the approval to administer the Program Year 2023 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program with the caveat of post planting reporting, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-B requesting approval of a modification to the Master Subdivision Plan and approval of a modified Phase 4 Preliminary Plan for The Sanctuary & Preserve.
Meghan Chaney recognized Jeanene Kress, Trustee for Olmsted Township, Jim O’Connor from Pulte Homes, Wesley Kretch the County Law Department, and Chris George from Public Works. Meghan Chaney explained the modification to the Master Subdivision plan and approval requested of the preliminary plan for Phase 4 of The Sanctuary and The Preserve of Olmsted. The history and details of the current Master Subdivision Plan were reported along with the proposed modification which does not include changes to the number of lots or the numbering order of lots.
The Preliminary Plan for Phase 4 includes: Twenty-nine (29) sublots on 9.48 acres of land; and the construction of 1,070 lineal feet of pavement including an additional point of egress, 2,135 lineal feet of sidewalk, 1,000 lineal feet of sanitary sewer, and 3,160 lineal feet of storm sewer. The Cuyahoga County Planning Commission circulated the Modified Master Subdivision Plan and Phase 4 Preliminary Plan to review entities for feedback and recommendation. Reviewing entities recommended approval, subject to the following conditions:
Approval of the modified General Development Plan which reflects the proposed modifications to the Master Subdivision Plan and obtained by the Olmsted Township Zoning Commission, and if need be, by the Olmsted Township Board of Trustees.
- Assurance that the minimum open space requirements will be met.
- The Preliminary Plan will need to be signed and sealed by a Professional Surveyor registered in the State of Ohio.
- The Preliminary Plan will need to be updated to include all items included in Section 105.4.B.3: Existing Data, including:
- Updated boundary line survey with descriptions of all existing benchmarks, monuments, and iron pipes found,
- Roadway widths
- Utilities, land use, and zoning of all land within 200 feet of the subdivision
- The Preliminary Plan will need to be updated to include all items included in Section 105.4.B.4: Proposals, including:
- Pavement widths and centerline geometrics and lot areas
- Update and submit Phase 4 Improvement Plans to Public Works reflective of proposed modifications, ensuring that:
- Sidewalks extend around the turnout of John Road and Sunset Drive.
- Curb ramps designed to current standards; and
- Obtain approval from the Ohio EPA regarding the proposed modifications to the sanitary sewer system as modifications could require additional permitting.
On a motion by Mayor Sellers, seconded by Mayor Welo, Resolution No. 230413-B requesting the approval of a modification to the Master Subdivision Plan and approval of a modified Phase 4 Preliminary Plan for The Sanctuary & Preserve with the contingency conditions, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-C Requesting an amendment to Resolution No. 220908-B, which authorizes a one-time modification to Section 104.19(F) of the 2010 Cuyahoga County Subdivision Regulations.
Meghan Chaney explained that Pulte Homes of Ohio LLC is requesting an amendment to Resolution No. 220908-B, which conditionally approved a modification to Section 104.19(F) of the 2010 Cuyahoga County Subdivision Regulations, as they relate to the recording of phases within The Sanctuary & Preserve Subdivision in Olmsted Township. Pulte Homes has submitted a modified Phase 4 Preliminary Plan that includes an additional entrance/exit onto John Road in Phase 4 that would allow Pulte Homes to complete the development and construction of homes without being constrained by Valore’s delayed construction of Phase 2. Subsequently, Pulte Homes submitted a request that Resolution No. 220908-B be amended to reflect the following:
- Approve of a modification of the 2010 Subdivision Regulations to allow Phases 3 and 4 to proceed ahead of Phase 2
- To allow for the platting of up to twelve (12) residential sublots in Phase 3 upon and approval of improvements, which would create a combined total of homes to 50 and honor Section 106.3; and
- To allow the remainder of Phase 3 (after the initial allotted 12 homes) and Phase 4 to be platted once a second entranceway is constructed in either Phase 2 or Phase 4.
Reviewing entities that were consulted had no concerns with amending Resolution No. 220908-B to accommodate Pulte’s request. County Planning staff has considered the request to amend Resolution No. 220908-B and has no concern with the proposed amendment, so long as Section 106.3(A)(3) of the 2010 Subdivision Regulations, which stipulates that a single-access subdivision can have no more than 50 dwelling units, is upheld.
Cuyahoga County Planning Commission staff therefore recommend conditional approval subject to the following:
- Pulte Homes may submit a partial Phase 3 Final Plat ahead of Phase 2 and prior to the construction of an additional point of egress, provided such plat creates no more than twelve (12) sublots for single-family residential homes: the remainder of Phase 3 shall remain as an un-platted block until an additional point of egress, and associated pavement, curbs, and lighting, is constructed and approved by the Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works; and
- Pulte Homes may submit for approval a Final Plat for the remaining seventeen (17) sublots in Phase 3 and a Final Plat for Phase 4 ahead of Phase 2 but only once an additional point of egress, and associated pavement, curbs, and lighting, is constructed and approved by the Cuyahoga County Department of Public Works.
On a motion by Mayor Sellers, seconded by Mayor Traore, Resolution No. 230413-C requesting the approval of an amendment to Resolution No. 220908-B, which authorized a one-time modification to Section 104.19(F) of the 2010 Cuyahoga County Subdivision Regulations, with conditions, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Director Cierebiej explained that since the Policy and Procedures Manual was first approved in 2014 and recently in 2021, the Board has approved several new policies which need to be incorporated into County Planning’s Manual. Also, in November 2022, County Council approved the 6th Revision to the Cuyahoga County Employee Handbook. County Planning is recommending several updated policies to:
- better align with the County’s Handbook,
- better reflect our current work environment, and
- formalize some of the processes associated with those policies.
County Planning worked closely with the County Law Department to review, revise, and update several policies. County Planning’s manual has 18 sections to update and will prioritize updates to those sections that affect County Planning employees the most. When Council approved the 6th Revision to the County’s Employee Handbook, there were 15 updates to various sections of the manual. County Planning intends to forward individual policy updates for Board approval vs bringing forth an updated manual in its entirety given the amount of time that process would take.
Resolution No. 230413-D Requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Compensation Policy. Director Cierebiej acknowledged that County Planning had a Compensation Policy, but it was not previously part of its Personnel & Procedures Manual. In addition to incorporating, it now, changes were made to outline the Annual Review and new Mid-Year processes and to update the language for consistency. Joe Nanni asked about the Resolution which states “to better align with Cuyahoga County” policies because compensation policy is not in the Cuyahoga County manual.
On a motion by Councilperson Simon, seconded by Mayor Sellers, amendment to Resolution No. 230413-D wording to strike “to better align with Cuyahoga County”, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
On a motion by Councilperson Simon, seconded by Mayor Gallo, Resolution No. 230413-D requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Compensation Policy, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-E Requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission New-Hire Probationary Period Policy. Director Cierebiej explained that this update to the policy is to reflect the probationary period processes and to better align with updates to the County manual.
On a motion by Mayor Brennan, seconded by Director Huang, Resolution No. 230413-E requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission New-Hire Probationary Period Policy, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-F Requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Remote Work Policy. The Law department recommended integrating the Hybrid Work structure requirements into policy so all references to remote and hybrid work would be contained together in the manual.
On a motion by Mayor Brennan, seconded by Director Dever, Resolution No. 230413-F requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Remote Work Policy, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-G Requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Vacation Leave Policy. Both the Vacation Leave Policy and the Sick Leave Policy needed to be updated to better align with the County’s manual and to further clarify use of this type of time off during the probationary period, and to modernize the terms and language used.
On a motion by Councilperson Simon, seconded by Mayor Welo, Resolution No. 230413-G requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Vacation Leave Policy, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Resolution No. 230413-H Requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Sick Leave Policy
On a motion by Mayor Sellers, seconded by Mayor Galo, Resolution No. 230413-H requesting the approval of a revised Cuyahoga County Planning Commission’s Sick Leave Policy, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.
Director Cierebiej introduced a red-lined version of County Planning Bylaws to be reviewed for a vote at the next Board meeting. The Bylaws were originally adopted in 1989, amended in 2013, clarified some language in 2015, and recently added potential additional language. Director Cierebiej noted this is a discussion item only; there will be no approval of any changes at this time.
One potential topic for addition is the public comment section. There was discussion on the different styles with the idea of a three-minute time limit and maybe only on the topics of the agenda. Director Huang described a platform that works for the City of Cleveland that she will share. Authorized absences are something that needs to be discussed, adding that this is a volunteer activity and there is no stipend. Another potential addition included in the red-line version was whether term limits should be included in the Bylaws. Some members of the Board did not feel that term limits were necessary given the change of County Executives over the years, which provides opportunities for new members to be appointed.
Director Cierebiej shared, as part of her Executive Director’s report, the 2022 Annual Report which can be found at https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/8e1eb204be0b4559a055964f5acb1f5f
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
There was no new business.
On a motion by Mayor Traore, seconded by Joseph Nanni, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 3:34 p.m.
Next Tentative Meeting is May 11, 2023
April 13, 2023
Mayor Bibb/ Director Huang | Yes |
Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan | Yes |
Councilperson Yvonne Conwell | Yes/ Joseph Nanni |
Mayor Dailey Jones | No |
Director Michael Dever | Yes |
Mayor Gallo | Yes |
Mayor Orcutt | Yes |
Mayor Brad Sellers | Yes |
Councilperson Sunny Simon | Yes |
Mayor Traore | Yes |
Mayor Welo | Yes |