Gregory Kurtz

Gregory Kurtz

Mayor, City of Independence

Gregory P. Kurtz is the longest-serving Mayor of the City of Independence. He began his public service career when he was first elected to the Independence City Council and later served as Vice Mayor before being elected Mayor.

Throughout his public service, Mayor Kurtz has amassed notable achievements, including having the vision and drive to develop the robust Rockside Road business districts in the 1990s. Today, this corridor is home to corporate headquarters, colleges, medical and high-tech firms, hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, and various thriving businesses and non-profit organizations. It is one of Northeast Ohio’s most accessible locations.

As a successful businessman with decades of national and international experience in the private sector, he brings a unique perspective to City Hall and all his professional endeavors.

In January 2024, he was appointed to the Board of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission and is a past president of the Cuyahoga County Mayors’ and City Managers’ Association.  He is an active member of the Brentwood Foundation, Cleveland Clinic Marymount Hospital Board of Trustees, and an alumnus of Leadership Cleveland.

He graduated from Padua Franciscan High School and earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from Cleveland State University.

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