Twenty-six projects were selected for funding through the 2019 Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program.
List of Projects
Applicant | Project Name | Type | Funds Awarded |
City of Bay Village | Bay Village Tree Canopy Assessment | Planning | $50,000 |
City of Bedford | Bedford Ash Tree Residential Replacement Program | Implementation | $40,000 |
City of Bedford Heights | Ash Tree Replacement | Implementation | $25,000 |
City of Brook Park | Brook Park Urban Forestry Management and City Center Tree Plan | Planning | $27,000 |
City of Brooklyn | City of Brooklyn Bi-Annual Tree Planting | Implementation | $41,535 |
City of Cleveland | City of Cleveland – Public Tree Canopy Preservation | Planning | $47,356 |
City of Cleveland Heights | 2019 Ash Tree Mitigation Program | Implementation | $50,000 |
City of Euclid | Euclid Urban Forest Project | Implementation | $47,000 |
City of Fairview Park | 2019 Fairview Park – Cuyahoga County Urban Forestry Program | Planning & Implementation | $27,825 |
City of Lakewood | City of Lakewood Forestry Initiative | Implementation | $50,000 |
City of Parma | Parma Tree Inventory and Urban Forestry Management Plan | Planning | $50,000 |
City of Pepper Pike | City of Pepper Pike Tree Identification and High-Risk Tree Maintenance Program for 2019 | Planning and Implementation | $50,000 |
City of Rocky River | Inventory and Urban Site Analysis of Public Trees and Right-of-ways | Planning | $20,075 |
City of South Euclid | A Greener Future: South Euclid Master Tree Plan | Planning | $34,000 |
Cleveland Museum of Natural history | Perkins Tree Canopy Preservation Project | Implementation | $50,000 |
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress | The Cleveland Tree Plan 2020 | Planning | $36,623 |
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress | Executing a feasibility study to create a business plan an urban tree nursery | Planning | $30,000 |
Cudell Improvement, Inc. | Tree Planning in Edgewater, Cudell, and Detroit Shoreway Neighborhoods of Cleveland | Planning | $50,000 |
MidTown Cleveland, Inc | Tree Plan for Community and Economic Growth in MidTown Cleveland | Planning | $29,000 |
Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation | Old Brooklyn Community Forestry Plan | Planning | $30,000 |
Slavic Village Development | Reforest Slavic Village | Planning and Implementation | $27,095 |
Village of Bratenahl | Village of Bratenahl – Public Tree Canopy Preservation | Implementation | $22,800 |
Village of Brooklyn Heights | Public Tree Inventory and Management Plan | Planning | $11,636 |
Village of Glenwillow | Glenwillow Urban Forestry Management Plan | Planning | $13,305 |
West Creek Conservancy | Mill Creek Watershed Partners Regional Tree Plan | Planning | $50,000 |
Western Reserve Land Conservancy | Reforest Our City Tree Planting and Rehabilitation | Implementation | $39,750 |
TOTAL | $950,000 |