The Northfield-Warrensville Multimodal Connectivity Plan presents strategies to drive economic development, reinvestment, and job creation by improving multimodal access to enhance livability and quality of life throughout the study area and connecting to the surrounding region.
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The Northfield-Warrensville Multimodal Connectivity Plan is a Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) planning project funded by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordination Agency (NOACA). Pulling together the combined interests and needs of the four (4) participating communities: Warrensville Heights, Shaker Heights, Highland Hills, and North Randall, the focus of the plan is to provide and improve multimodal connectivity. Incorporating multimodal connectivity with infrastructure that accommodates motorized vehicles, transit, bicycles, and pedestrians within the existing roadway network, would transform the area. In addition to providing a variety of transportation options, a complete and viable multimodal network would support and enhance the area’s economic vitality.
Led by County Planning, the participating communities developed a plan to improve multimodal access throughout the study area. The plan addresses the anticipated needs of tomorrow as well as today, an important aspect given the rapid growth in parts of the study area and the potential for new development and redevelopment throughout the study area. Development of this plan represents a collaborative effort to implement complete streets, improve streetscapes, increase multimodal transportation options, promote Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), and link neighborhoods, employment centers, healthcare and education providers, and recreational facilities with a multi-purpose path and greenway system. This plan creates place-based, actionable strategies that support the recommendations of the Eastside Greenway TLCI Study and accompanying Health Impact Assessment (HIA), the Warrensville/Van Aken Transit-Oriented Development Plan, the GCRTA Blue Line Corridor Extension Study, and the Warrensville Center Road/Van Aken Roadway.
This presentation was made at a public meeting in July 2016 and is available for downloading (PDF).