December 12, 2024


The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:03 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present.

No requests for public comment.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Orcutt the minutes from the October 10th, 2024 meeting were duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 241212-A Requesting the approval of a resolution to amend Resolution 900228-A, previously adopted on February 28, 1990, to increase the contracting authority of the Executive Director. Director Mary Cierebiej gave a history of contracting authority of Executive Directors and explained that County Planning is a contracting authority pursuant to ORC Section 713.00(D) and 713.23(4). The 1990 Resolution limited the Executive Director’s authority to execute contracts that exceeded $5,000.00.

Resolution 241212-A is seeking approval to amend Resolution 900228-A to increase the contracting authority of Executive Director from $5,000 to $10,000. The revised resolution is due to inflation and higher wages, and it also distinguishes between revenue generating contracts and strategic initiatives. This resolution will clarify language on which agreements and initiatives need to be presented to the Board for approval versus presented for information-only, which increases efficiency and maximizes capacities. Director Cierebiej assured the Planning Commission of her commitment to keep the Board informed of project activities and initiatives, even if Board approval is not required. There is no financial impact and if approved, it would become effective immediately.

On a motion by Director Dever seconded by Mayor Kurtz Resolution No. 241212-A Requesting the approval of a resolution to amend Resolution 900228-A, previously adopted on February 28, 1990, to increase the contracting authority of the Executive Director and clarifying language was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Cuyahoga County 2024 Parking Analysis was presented by Micah Stryker, Senior Planner. The purpose of the 2024 Parking Analysis was to understand how communities around Cuyahoga County regulate/require parking for development and to determine where County Planning can provide guidance to improve regulations and “right-size” parking to reduce negative impacts. Micah Stryker noted that County Planning previously performed a zoning analysis as part of the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Study and that parking regulations were found to be a key factor in allowing and encouraging TOD supportive development. Only 6.5% of local TOD walksheds met the zoning criteria to support TOD, and parking was clearly identified as the most complex yet impactful area of land use regulation to analyze for TOD.

Traditional development in Cuyahoga County has created commercial areas with large areas of surface parking. Micah Stryker explained that parking regulations for 29 communities were initially identified and analyzed as part of the TOD study. The study included a mix of urban and suburban communities with 30 criteria, with both quantitative and qualitative aspects being reviewed. Based on that information and reviewing best practices as it related to parking, County Planning was able to identify local parking issues and then develop and recommend best practices for Cuyahoga County that could be implemented locally, many of which support TOD development.

Key findings from the Cuyahoga County 2024 Parking Analysis are that 1. existing local regulations encourage parking and 2. typically require more parking than is likely needed. The next steps are to develop Model Code Sections to help communities update their zoning regulations with reduced impacts of large parking lots including water quality and runoff, heat island effects, promoting walkability, and reducing barriers to redevelopment. As of this meeting Micah Stryker stated that these ideas are being applied to three (3) current zoning projects: North Olmsted – Mall Area Mixed Use Overlay, South Euclid – TOD Zoning District, and Fairview Park – TOD Overlay District.

Fiscal Update was given by Jennifer Karaffa, Business Services Manager. Ms. Karaffa started with Highlights of 2nd Half, 2024 including an overview of County Planning’s operating budget and its staff of 21 full-time employees. She explained the need for an additional Council-approved appropriation of $150,000 in November 2024 to cover salaries and benefits given the hiring of an additional Principal Planner and mid-year merit, and equity adjustments at year end. Ms. Karaffa also noted the reimbursement grant award for Safe Streets 4 All (SS4A) project will need additional appropriation in the amount of $600,000 over the life of the project so that funds are available to pay consultant invoices once the work begins. County Planning will act as a pass-through, it is not revenue for our agency. However, County Planning will provide up to $150,000 in professional planning services for the required match. Ms. Karaffa also noted that County Planning continues to generate revenue through contracts and fees for services that are deposited to the County’s General Fund.

Jennifer Karaffa reported that County Planning continues to administer the Healthy Urban Tree Canopy (HUTC) grant program acting as Fiscal Agent since 2019 on behalf of Sustainability and managing $950,000 annually in reimbursement grants over five program years. In 2024 alone, County Planning issued over $705,300 in HUTC reimbursement payments and generally, issues over 90% of each 18-month program year’s funding amount. There are still talks with the Department of Sustainability on how another round of funding in County Planning’s 2025 budget will be distributed.

Ms. Karaffa then segued back to County Planning’s 2024 Operating Budget which was originally adopted with total expenditures of $2,097,819 and adjusted to $2,247,819 by year end which included the $150,000 added for salaries and benefits. Personnel accounted for 97% of County Planning total operating budget in 2024. Jennifer Karaffa noted that County Planning will end the year under or within budget of its expense accounts and continued to generate revenue through 2024.  To date, County Planning collected $212,780 but revenues are forecasted to total $220,675 before year end.

Jennifer Karaffa then reported on the 2025 budget with an approved total operating budget of $2,219,626 and highlighted some net shortfalls that the organization will potentially incur if not aligned.  She explained that County Planning will need to work with the Office of Budget and Management throughout the year to ensure the budget is sufficient for salaries, benefits, and operational expenses. She will report back to the Board early next year.

Executive Director Mary Cierebiej introduced County Planning Bylaws with proposed amendments for discussion. Director Cierebiej thanked the Bylaws Committee: Wesley Kretch, Assistant Law Director, Councilwoman Sunny Simon, and Mayor Georgine Welo. The Bylaws were last amended in June 2020. Today only a discussion was held of the proposed revisions that were included in the draft document sent in advance of today’s meeting and in today’s printed packet. A final draft will be brought back to the Board for a vote in February 2025. Some of the changes that are being recommended are:

  • CCPC: Clarified to distinguish between County Planning as an agency, and County Planning as a Board
  • Cited ORC, County Code, County Ordinances, etc., and removed lengthy text of each originally included in the document; will create “hotlinks” in document
  • Created an Appendix with Resource Documents that are cited in the document
  • Clarified and expanded language in multiple sections related to: Executive Director Authority, voting; quorum; public comment; and organizational meeting, etc.


Executive Director Cierebiej opened her report with a kudos corner for new certifications of Maureen Riley, AICP and Paul Triolo, AICP recently passing the AICP Exam, and Liam Leveto being promoted to GIS Analyst (previously GIS Technician). County Planning received an Award of Excellence in the category of Best Practices for our Single-Family Zoning work from the APA County Planning Division & National Association of County Planners. In addition, Channel 19 did an impromptu interview/story with Director Cierebiej and Principal Planner Erik Engle about County Planning’s work on Cleveland Heights Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Finally, Director Cierebiej was also a guest on the Cleveland Metroparks Podcast with Brian Zimmerman discussing the Cuyahoga Greenways Plan and County Planning’s efforts to continue to connect our communities to regional assets.

Director Cierebiej reported on the Board Re-Appointments recommended by County Executive Ronayne and approved by County Council on December 3, 2024 (Terms: 1/1/25-12/31/27)

  • Mayor Orcutt, Brook Park
  • Mayor Gallo, Parma Heights
  • Mayor Bibb, Cleveland

Mayor Bibb’s new Alternate, Marka Fields, Interim Director of the Cleveland City Planning, is awaiting County Council approval, due to the departure of Director Huang. The County Council appointments by Council President are expected in early 2025 for Councilperson Conwell and Councilperson Simon that expire at the end of December 2024.

Director Cierebiej gave numerous project updates and started with the East 22nd Street Small Area Plan. There have been recent briefings to the County Executive Team & Council President Jones in advance of the East 22nd stakeholder workshop on December 11th that was very well attended, and the group was very engaged. The focus now is the timing of demolition projects like the County owned former Juvenile Justice Center and formal St. Vincent Charity hospital tower. All parties are now connected and will continue working with CMHA on their plans for future relocation of the Cedar Estates tenants to newer complexes, as part of CMHA’s master plans for this neighborhood. The goal of all parties with area construction projects is coordination to minimize impacts to residents while working on future development in the area.

Director Cierebiej continued her report with the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Professionals Survey whose goal was to identify barriers and solutions to building more TOD in Cuyahoga County. There were 64 respondents: 52% Developers and 48% Non-Developers. The top three (3) barriers identified were: 1) the process is too long, cumbersome, or costly; 2) there is an inability to secure financing or alignment within the capital stack; and 3) a lack of coordination among relevant entities. The potential solutions identified were: 1) to improve transparency and predictability in the process; 2) create a County financial incentive program specifically geared towards TOD; and 3) pursue joint development opportunities and more public-private partnerships. The developers expressed a desire to have ongoing discussions, and County Planning wants to continue that momentum. In addition, County Planning continues to coordinate GIS efforts with GCRTA and exploring incentive discussions and opportunities with County departments.

Director Cierebiej reminded Board members that the packet included a draft of the 2025 Board Meeting Dates. This schedule of meetings will need to be approved at the 2025 Organizational Meeting on February 13th, 2025. In addition, Director Cierebiej will introduce a 2025 Workplan at the Organizational Meeting to provide an overview of the work the agency will perform in 2025, which will be revisited throughout the year. Some examples include:

  • Identify Agency Priorities & Countywide Initiatives
  • Administer the ‘Community Planning Services Program’
  • Align with Capacity and Approved Budget
  • Define Metrics to Measure Success
  • Quarterly Reporting on Performance

There was no old business.

There was no new business.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Councilperson Simon, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

February 13, 2025 (Organizational Meeting)

December 12, 2024 PRESENT
Mayor BurkeYes
Councilperson ConwellYes 2:07 pm
Mayor Dailey JonesNo
Director DeverYes
Mayor GalloYes
Interim Director Fields-(not yet approved, unable to vote)Yes
Mayor KurtzYes
Mayor OrcuttYes
Councilperson Sunny Simon/ Michael KingYes 2:21 pm
Mayor WeissYes
Mayor WeloYes