April 11, 2024

The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:01 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present.

No requests for public comment.

On a motion by director Dever, seconded by Mayor Kurtz the minutes from the March 14, 2024 meeting was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 240411-A requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Seven Hills to provide an updated Zoning Map to reflect recent zoning changes. James Sonnhalter spoke for Daniel Meaney to explain that the zoning map will coincide with the proposed ordinances to consolidate zoning classes and create a modernized online map that will be interactive on the City’s website. The City of Seven Hills portion of the cost is not to exceed One thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), which is ten percent (10%) of the estimated Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) worth of Professional Planning Services being provided and is to be completed by the end of 2024.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Gallo, Resolution No. 240411-A Requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Seven Hills to provide an updated Zoning Map to reflect recent zoning changes was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Director Huang arrived.

Resolution No. 240411-B requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services introduced Paul Triolo who reported that Orange Village requested assistance in developing and conducting a Community Survey to seek input from its residents and businesses on topics relating to community values, issues, services, facilities, and direction of the Village. County Planning has previously administered surveys in Orange Village in 2007 and 2014. The business survey results will be provided and reported separately from residential results.

Paul Triolo explained the three (3) phases:

  • Survey Design & Questions: Survey to be hosted online with paper copies available upon request.
  • Survey Distribution & Administration: create and design a postcard, handout, flier, and yard signs for dissemination by the Village.
  • Survey Analytics & Report: tabulate and analyze responses and findings into a results report.

Paul Triolo reported that the contract would not exceed $12,000 and is estimated to be completed by September 30th, 2024.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Burke, Resolution No. 240411-B Requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with Orange Village to conduct a Community Survey was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Councilperson Simon arrived.

Resolution No. 240411-C requesting the approval of Professional Planning Services with the City of Maple Heights to provide a Redevelopment Plan for the Southgate Shipping Center. Director Cierebiej introduced Nichole Laird who explained that the project will explore the various scenarios for converting underutilized acreage into new housing typologies such as mixed use and townhome style units, publicly available green space, and furthering a more walkable retail diversity.

The plan will encourage public and private investments into Maple Heights, new building typologies through adaptative reuse of unused parking, and better environmental stewardship of the City’s land through green infrastructure and incorporate stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs). Nichole Laird continued to explain the process that will rely on input from Stakeholder Groups consisting of residents and businesses in the community throughout the six (6) phases of the planning process: introduction, current conditions, vision & development scenarios, recommendations and preferred development scenarios, and implementation.

Nichole Laird reported a total estimated project budget of $100,000, with the City of Maple Heights contribution not to exceed $5,000 and an estimated completion date of March 31, 2025. Nichole Laird introduced Joseph Duffy, Planning and Development Director for Maple Heights, who expressed excitement with the project.

On a motion by Director Huang, seconded by Mayor Welo, Resolution No. 240411-C Requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services with the City of Maple Heights to provide a Redevelopment Plan for the Southgate Shipping Center was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 240411-D requesting the approval of an extension of Phase 3 Preliminary Plan Approval for Pembrooke Place Subdivision. Meghan Chaney described the Pembrooke Place Subdivision that is located on the northwest corner of Schady and Jennings Roads in Olmsted Township. Pembrooke Place began in 2003 with the approval of the Overall Subdivision Plan, which proposed 218 townhomes to be built in four (4) phases. The first two (2) phases have been developed, platted, and townhomes constructed.

In March 2022, Pembrooke Place William Thomas Construction (Pembrooke Place WTC) submitted a Preliminary Plan for Phase 3 – for the creation of 50 sublots for single-family detached townhomes on 9.1 acres of land. This phase also includes the creation of Open Space Blocks H and the continuation of Open Space Block G, and roughly 1,300 lineal feet of roadway and 2,600 lineal feet of sidewalk. The Phase 3 Preliminary Plan was conditionally approved by the County Planning Commission via Resolution No. 220414-B.
The conditions of approval involved updates to storm and sanitary improvements, soil and sediment controls, and roadway safety measures. Meeting the conditions of approval has taken the developer longer than anticipated, and a complete set of improvement plans has not yet been submitted to Public Works. As such, the developer will not be able to meet Section 104.5 (VI) of the County Subdivision Regulations, which stipulates that final plat approval must be obtained within two (2) years of preliminary plan approval. However, Section 104.5 (VI) allows the County Planning Commission to approve requests for extensions for up to two years at the request of the developer.

On February 12, 2024, Tom Simon from Pembrooke Place WTC requested that the County Planning Commission extend approval of the Phase 3 Preliminary Plan for Pembrooke Place Subdivision. Cuyahoga County Planning Commission staff circulated the request to extend approval to all reviewing entities. Reviewing entities recommend that extension of approval be granted for the Pembrooke Place Phase 3 Preliminary Plan, subject to the conditions set forth in the original approving legislation, Resolution No. 220414-B. The applicant shall meet all conditions of approval and satisfy all requirements of the improvement plan stage of subdivision review as set forth in Section 104.6 of the County Subdivision Regulations and the applicant shall construct all improvements according to approved plans and drawings. The applicant may then apply for final plat approval. Phase 3 Final Plat approval shall be obtained before April 11, 2026.
On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Councilperson Simon, Resolution No. 240411-D requesting the approval of an extension of Phase 3 Preliminary Plan Approval for Pembrooke Place Subdivision was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Meghan Chaney then gave an information-only presentation on the County Subdivision Regulations. Updates include growing the tree canopy, promoting ecological health, and closing loopholes. A Tree Preservation Plan including a tree survey conducted by a registered arborist was added as part of the Preliminary Plan application. Both the Preliminary & Final Tree Preservation Plan are now due with Preliminary Plans and Improvement Plans for subdivisions. Meghan Chaney went on to describe other elements and requirements of the tree plans.

Another update of the County Subdivision Regulations includes requiring an Open Space Plan upon submission of a Preliminary Plan and Improvement Plan. Standards for open space & common space areas were updated to include landscaping requirements intended to grow the tree canopy. Meghan Chaney also discussed requirements that enhance open space such as reducing impervious surfaces by limiting maximum driveway widths, provisions for pervious pavement, and defining a maximum parking area for common buildings/structures. Areas that would not count towards required open space acreage include wetlands, stormwater basins, retention ponds, or other utilities, utility, and required buffers (roadway, project boundaries, wetlands).

The updated Subdivision Regulations also now specify that the preliminary plan and master subdivision plan approvals will need to be renewed if expired, and if any changes are made as part of a modified submission now include submission of a Hydraulic Study, Traffic Impact Study, Tree Survey and Preliminary Tree Preservation Plan, a Preliminary Open Space Plan, a Final Tree Preservation Plan, a Final Open Space Plan, and a Street and Front Yard Landscaping Plan.

Other changes to the Subdivision Regulations include Deferral of Improvements (performance guarantees) to be granted only for improvements that do not immediately interfere with human health and safety, and only at the discretion of County and Township staff. Regulations now also specify that final building permits will only be issued once the Final Plat has been recorded, with the exception that one model structure may be permitted after a Permit to Install is obtained. Transportation-related updates include: All points of ingress/egress will now be for the general and daily use of those inhabiting the subdivision and their visitors, shall not traverse private property not associated with the subdivision, and be designed and constructed according to the Uniform Standards and Distances.

Director Cierebiej opened with a “welcome back” to Micah Stryker after the birth of his second child. Director Cierebiej thanked Cuyahoga Greenways Executives & Mayors who will be participating in a Driving Tour on April 16th, 2024. A “Kudos” was given to all the team members that were selected as speakers for the APA Cleveland Planning and Zoning Workshop, scheduled for April 26th, 2024.
Director Cierebiej continued with a report on the County and County Planning efforts to partner with Bike Cleveland, Cleveland Metroparks and the City of Cleveland to host a local event and bike ride for Celebrate Trails Day on April 27th, 2024. Mayor Burke noted the event will begin in Garfield Heights. Director Cierebiej also mentioned that the HUTC Program Year 2024 Kick-off is scheduled for April 26th, 2024 – with a new application portal opening April 29th, 2024. There will be a May 9th Board Meeting to consider the three remaining Planning Grant projects: Richmond Heights (Meghan Chaney), North Olmsted (Micah Stryker), and Cleveland Heights (Rachel Novak). Director Cierebiej also gave a quick personnel report: Madeline Gardner is starting on May 20th as a new summer intern, and Sidney Bacon finishes her co-op at the end of April. In addition, two very qualified finalists have been interviewed for the Principal Planner position.

There was no old business.

There was no new business.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Welo, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 2:48 pm.

May 9, 2024


April 11, 2024PRESENT
Mayor BurkeYes
Councilperson Conwell by Joseph NanniYes
Mayor Dailey JonesNo
Director DeverYes
Mayor GalloYes
Mayor Bibb/ Director HuangYes 2:06 pm
Mayor KurtzYes
Mayor OrcuttYes
Councilperson Sunny SimonYes 2:11 pm
Mayor WeissNo
Mayor WeloYes