JULY 13, 2023

The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Director Dever at 2:00 p.m. and the roll call showed a quorum was present. Director Dever welcomed Mayor Dailey-Jones to her first meeting and the Director of Law Department, Rick Manoloff.

No requests for public comment.

On a motion by Mayor Dylan Brennan, seconded by Mayor Welo, the meeting minutes for April 13, 2023 were duly adopted with a unanimous vote. Councilperson Simon joined the meeting.


Resolution No. 230713-A Requesting the approval of an Administrative Agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission and the District One Public Works Integrating Committee.

Alison Ball gave a history of the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) which was initially created in 1987 by the Ohio Revised Code Section 164. OPWC’s mission is to deliver its statutory programs with the greatest efficiency and highest customer satisfaction while maintaining a high level of transparency and accountability to Ohio’s taxpayers. Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) administers Infrastructure programs in conjunction with local control and includes 19 District Integrating Committees with Cuyahoga County being District One.

The District One Public Works Integrating Committee (DOPWIC) consists of Cuyahoga County Representative Director Dever and Nichole English PE, Chair; City of Cleveland Representative James DeRosa and Bonita Teeuwen P.E., Vice-Chair; Suburban Representatives Mayor Bradley Sellers and Mayor Paul Koomer; and a Private Sector Representative that is currently vacant.

The OPWC State Infrastructure Programs include the State Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) that is a combined grant/loan program based on funding from general obligation bonds. Loans made under the State Capital Improvements Program, as they are repaid, produce funds for the Revolving Loan Program (RLP). The Local Transportation Improvement Program (LTIP) is a grant program for roads and bridges based on funding provided from gasoline taxes. The Small Government Commission Program provides grants and loans for infrastructure improvements in villages and townships with populations in the unincorporated areas of less than 5,000 in population. Project applications are selected from those not funded through the 19 District Committees.

Lastly, the OPWC reserves funding for its Emergency Program to fund emergency projects that arise directly out of catastrophic situations that threaten public health and safety. For fiscal year 2025, there was a total OPWC allocation to District One of $30,368,000 that was distributed throughout Cuyahoga County.

Alison Ball continued her report with an explanation of some of the administrative services and deliverables of the District One liaison as defined in the proposed Administrative Agreement to perform work set forth in scope of services:

  • attend any OPWC-sponsored statewide leadership event as necessary to maintain a level of staff proficiency,
  • provide the District and the OPWC with the transcription of minutes, meeting notices and agendas, and any other necessary support services as required, and
  • travel within the District as requested by the District to assist local subdivisions and attend/conduct meetings as necessary.

Also required under the direction of the District, is to initiate and develop project selection processes for approval by the District and the OPWC, that will ensure that the recommended projects meet the requirements of law, rules, and regulations of the ORC, and notify and assist all political subdivisions within the District of the opportunity to apply for financial assistance and be considered for the SCIP, RLP, and LTIP programs.

The resolution is requesting the approval of the Program Cost Agreement with the OPWC and the DOPWIC for funding cycle FY 2024 not to exceed $65,000 for work from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. Director Dever recognized that Councilperson Conwell and Director Huang joined the meeting.

On a motion by Mayor Orcutt seconded by Mayor Welo, with Director Dever abstaining Resolution No. 230713-A requesting the approval of an Administrative Agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission and the District One Public Works Integrating Committee was duly adopted.

Resolution No. 230713-B Requesting approval a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Cleveland Heights to provide Accessory Dwelling Unit Research.

Patrick Hewitt explained the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) research was requested by Cleveland Heights as a need in the community. Accessory dwelling units are smaller, independent residential dwelling units located on the same parcel as a stand-alone, detached single-family dwelling. This project would further define accessory dwelling units, outline benefits and concerns, and research best practices for zoning standards. The outcome would include outreach to local and national communities that have adopted ADU legislation and culminate in a report and recommendations for ADU implementation, including how and where ADUs would best fit in Cleveland Heights.

Cleveland Heights and County Planning have agreed to share ADU findings with other communities interested in the topic; ADU’s were the most-requested feature from the First Suburbs Single-Family Zoning project. County Planning is requesting the approval of a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Cleveland Heights with an estimated total budget of $20,000 with the City of Cleveland Heights contribution not to exceed $12,500 and estimated to be completed by March 31, 2024.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded Mayor Orcutt, Resolution No. 230713-B requesting approval a Professional Planning Services Agreement with the City of Cleveland Heights to provide Accessory Dwelling Unit Research, was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 230713-C Requesting approval of a Final Plat for a portion of Phase 3, herein referred to as “Phase 3A” for The Sanctuary of Olmsted and The Preserve of Olmsted (The Sanctuary & Preserve) Planned Residential Development (PRD) Subdivision in Olmsted Township.

Meghan Chaney introduced Jim O’Conner and his intern from Pulte Homes. Meghan went on to explained that Pulte Homes of Ohio LLC is requesting approval of the Final Plat for Phase 3 of The Sanctuary of Olmsted and The Preserve of Olmsted (The Sanctuary & Preserve) Planned Residential Development (PRD) Subdivision in Olmsted Township. Meghan went on to give the history and details of the project starting in February 202 when the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission granted conditional approval for the Master Subdivision Plan and Preliminary Plans for Phases 1 and 2 of The Sanctuary & Preserve PRD Subdivision.

  • In May 2020, the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission granted conditional approval of the Preliminary Plans for Phases 3 and 4 of The Sanctuary & Preserve.
  • On February 10, 2022, the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission granted conditional approval of the Phase 1 (Pulte) Final Plat, which permitted the creation of 38 sublots for single family homes. Phase 2 (Valore) and Phase 3 (Pulte) improvement plans were submitted in the following months, with Phase 3 improvement plans being approved before Phase 2 improvement plans.
  • On April 13th, 2023, the Cuyahoga County Planning granted a modification to the phasing requirements set forth in the County Subdivision Regulations, which allowed construction and platting of Phases 3 and 4 to proceed in advance of Phase 2, provided that:
  • Only 12 sublots be created in Phase 3 while only one access point exists, and
  • Once a second point of egress be constructed, inspected, and approved, the remainder of Phase 3 and Phase 4 may be platted. Meghan reported that Pulte Homes has completed improvements for the entirety of Phase 3.
  • On June 15, 2023, Pulte Homes of Ohio submitted a Final Plat for a portion of Phase 3, (referred to as “Phase 3A”). Phase 3A includes:
  • The creation of only 12 residential sublots, as well as blocks “I” and “J”, which will be subdivided into the remaining residential sublots once a second point of egress is constructed and approved (future “Phase 3B” Final Plat).
  • All improvements for Phase 3, such that all land to be dedicated to the County (including rights-of-way and easements) will be completed with this Final Plat.
  • No dedication will be necessary for “Phase 3B”.

Meghan reported the findings that Pulte Homes of Ohio have submitted all requisite information and items according to Section 105.6 of the County Subdivision Regulations and have furthermore built Phase 3 according to the standards approved in improvement plans.

The Final Plat is consistent with the Preliminary Plan approved by the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission and the PRD zoning granted by the Township. Olmsted Township has determined that the Final Plat is consistent with governing Township zoning and conforms with pertinent local regulations. Conditions set forth for the approval of the Preliminary Plan have been addressed.

Infrastructure improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of Public Works and the Township, and maintenance and performance guarantees are forthcoming. With these findings The County Planning staff therefore recommends the approval of the Final Plat for Phase 3A of The Sanctuary & Preserve PRD Subdivision, subject to the following conditions:

  • The Final Plat must be updated to reflect the following information (√)
  • Include ownership information and Permanent Parcel No. of the property being subdivided to the plat
  • Include the AFN in the space provided in the title block for The Preserve of Olmsted Phase 1 (202204200307)
  • Finalize and submit maintenance and performance guarantees to the County and Township.
  • Submit verification from the Ohio EPA that the Permit to Install is still valid (√)

The next steps Meghan explained are that once conditions have been met, the Cuyahoga County Planning Community Executive Director will sign the Final Plat and County Council will consider the acceptance of dedicated lands (including rights-of-way and other easements) within Phase 3. Once County Council has accepted the dedication of lands, the developer can file the Phase 3 Final Plat with the County and the sublots will be created.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Orcutt Resolution No. 230713-C requesting approval of a Final Plat for a portion of Phase 3, herein referred to as “Phase 3A” for The Sanctuary of Olmsted and The Preserve of Olmsted (The Sanctuary & Preserve) PRD Subdivision in Olmsted Township was duly adopted with a unanimous vote.


Director Mary Cierebiej welcomed Luke Ols who is a current summer intern and will soon be the year-long Cleveland Foundation Fellow through July 21, 2024. A congratulations was extended to Nichole Laird and Laura Mendez Ortiz on their recent AICP designation from the American Institute of Certified Planners.

Director Cierebiej continued her report with an update on the Single-Family Zoning Analysis project. This project was completed in April 2023, and was a partnership with the NEO First Suburbs Consortium, Cuyahoga Land Bank, First Federal of Lakewood, and individual communities. The project analyzed zoning in 19 communities to determine barriers to infill housing and included best practice guides for updating zoning, developing design guidelines, incentivizing new development, and educating residents.

There was a South Euclid home tour at 4225 Wilmington Road that was constructed by the Land Bank and required two variances for construction. New zoning regulations proposed by County Planning and being adopted by South Euclid would eliminate the need for the variances granted for this project. Mayor Welo, Cuyahoga Land Bank, and several other mayors and planning professionals attended the event, which was covered by the local news stations.

Director Cierebiej also reported that County Planning has been recently recognized for their work: APA Ohio selected an article submitted by Patrick Hewitt on Single-Family Zoning for their recent newsletter, and our team submitted nominations for APA Ohio Awards for some of our projects, including: Single-Family Zoning (SFZ), the Lakefront Public Access Plan, Garfield Heights Master Plan, and Paul’s Triolo on our team submitted a nomination with his former classmates for their Cleveland State University Capstone Project. In Fall, 2023 County Planning staff were selected to present three sessions at the APA State Conference: Single-Family Zoning, Lakefront Public Access Plan and Single-Family Zoning Design Guidelines. Director Cierebiej reported that she was asked to participate in an event hosted by Cleveland.com and the National Chapter of the American Planning Association. It is a panel discussion titled “It Takes A Planner: Lakefront Redevelopment with Planners, Policymakers, and Cleveland Communities”. Director Cierebiej, Director Huang and Metroparks CEO, Brian Zimmerman will be the panelist and Steve Litt is the moderator. County Executive Ronayne and Mayor Bibb will be the opening speakers.

Director Cierebiej concluded her report with status reports of the four (4) current Planning Grant projects which are moving along very well, and with a lot of great public engagement and feedback. She explained that the Agency is evaluating capacity for a potential 2024 round of Planning Grants and will revisit it next quarter. Director Cierebiej also noted that the County has started the Biennial 2024-2025 Budget process and reported that County Planning will be working with OBM analysist to fill a current vacancy and fully fund the operating budget.

Other discussion ensued: Director Haung discussed how different parking options are available and how changes to parking requirements can help communities grow and encourage multi-model transportation such as buses.

Mayor Welo advocated for bringing back the Planning Grants to help communities with Master Plans that most are not able to afford.

A Bylaws update was given by Mayor Welo who reported on a recent meeting with Councilperson Simon and Director Cierebiej and them reviewing all the bylaws. It was discovered that some bylaws did not align with the County Ordinances. More meetings will be needed to discover what would be the best course of action.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business
Director Cierebiej reported on the “borrow a bag, return it” program. County Planning is partnering with the Department of Sustainability in this pilot program to reduce single-use plastic bags and instead has provided several reusable bags that are available in our lobby. Anyone can come and borrow a bag when they head to Heinen’s or elsewhere and return it to us after using it.

Director Dever recognized Director Grace Gallucci from NOACA who came to the meeting and offered her an opportunity to speak. Director Gallucci did not wish to address the board.

On a motion by Director Dever, seconded by Mayor Dylan Brennan, the Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Next Meeting is August 10, 2023


July 13, 2023

Mayor Bibb/ Director HuangYes
Mayor Michael Dylan BrennanYes
Councilperson Yvonne ConwellYes
Mayor Dailey JonesYes
Director Michael DeverYes
Mayor GalloYes
Mayor OrcuttYes
Mayor Brad SellersNo
Councilperson Sunny SimonYes
Mayor TraoreNo
Mayor WeloYes

Grace Gallucci – NOACA Executive Director