The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Study aims to improve zoning regulations and governmental policies in order to attract more transit-oriented development to key corridors in Cuyahoga County.
Recent Updates
TOD Professionals Survey
The TOD Professionals Survey was conducted in partnership with GCRTA to identify barriers and solutions to building TOD in Cuyahoga County. Results have been summarized in this one-page overview document, and the findings will be used to inform a more targeted TOD implementation and financing strategy within the County. Individuals interested in contributing their knowledge and expertise to this effort are invited to contact us at any time.
Model TOD Zoning Overlay
The Model TOD Zoning Overlay is a free resource for communities that are considering changes to their zoning to better facilitate the construction of TOD. This document should be used in conjunction with the Model TOD Zoning Overlay Annotated Guide, which provides additional insights into the model zoning regulations and offers suggestions for how the model ordinance can be adapted to local needs.
Communities seeking to adopt zoning changes can contact us for assistance.
County Planning and GCRTA have partnered on the TOD Zoning Study—in collaboration with the Cities of Cleveland, Shaker Heights, Fairview Park, and Cleveland Heights; as well as other local communities, agencies, and entities—to encourage and support those seeking to build transit-oriented developments along major transit corridors.
The TOD Zoning Study
The TOD Zoning Study is a four-part initiative that aims to understand and offer improvements to local zoning and land use strategies in a way that supports additional transit-oriented development. The four initial phases of the TOD Zoning Study are outlined below.
- State of TOD in Cuyahoga County
Define and describe the importance of TOD; identify and quantify TOD corridors and local TOD examples (also available as an interactive overview). - Analysis of TOD Zoning
Analyze whether existing zoning along transit lines allows TOD and identify target areas for future investment - Best Practices & Model TOD Zoning
Develop best practices and model zoning for TOD that can be adopted by individual municipalities - TOD Financing Strategies
Identify TOD financing mechanisms and incentives used in other communities
Additional work has emerged from the initial phases of the TOD Zoning Study. The Development Trends and the TOD Viewer provide data on TOD locally and are updated periodically. Additional Studies and Resources contain supplemental reports, presentations, and additional resources that help illustrate the importance and impact of TOD locally and among peer communities.
The TOD Zoning Study in the News
- Transit-oriented development advocates plan how to create more pedestrian-friendly areas
Ideastream Public Media
December 5, 2023 - Garfield Heights is an early adopter of Cuyahoga County vision for dense, walkable, transit-oriented development
October 27, 2023 - New data supports 'back-to-the-future' project to rezone Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, for transit-oriented development
January 4, 2023
Why TOD?
According to the Federal Transit Administration, transit-oriented development, or TOD, includes a mix of commercial, residential, office, and entertainment centered around or located near a transit station. Dense, walkable, mixed-use development near transit attracts people and adds to vibrant, connected communities. The graphic below outlines the various benefits of TODs.
Our Role
Many local organizations and communities have already worked on TOD policy or on attracting transit-oriented development to key sites in Cuyahoga County. This effort builds upon existing knowledge and previous work by entities including GCRTA, NOACA, the City of Cleveland, and other individual communities to expand TOD throughout the County while providing a robust understanding of TOD land use and zoning policies across multiple communities.
Contact Us
Questions or comments about the TOD Zoning Study should be directed to:
Mr. Patrick Hewitt, AICP
Planning Manager, Strategy & Development