County Planning facilitated a comprehensive planning process for Parma Heights incorporating a recent TLCI planning study focused on the Pearl Road commercial corridor. Parma Heights City Council adopted the Master Plan on October 23, 2017.
In 2015, Parma Heights received grant funding through the Cuyahoga County Department of Development to update their Master Plan to help address current issues and development trends. Housing diversity, storefront revitalization, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, green infrastructure, and development of a “Sense of Place” were some of the major issues the City needed to address in planning for the future.

County Planning used the momentum created during the Pearl Road Complete & Green Streets Initiative TLCI study as a springboard for the master planning process. The TLCI study identified transportation and economic development recommendations for the corridor, which contains the majority of the City’s commercial and civic uses. County Planning built upon the recommendations of the study to craft a Master Plan that connected the commercial core, civic center, abundant park space, and residential neighborhoods into a comprehensive vision for the next ten years.
The planning process was supported by a Project Team made up of the Mayor, former council members, and City staff. A Steering Committee with representatives of City Council, local businesses, regional organizations, and citizens helped craft policy and actions to be included in the Plan. Two public meetings were also held to present recommendations and gather feedback.
Download the Master Plan
Adopted October 23, 2017